Happy Kya-Nah-Dah Day!

Jun 29, 2008 13:09

Surely you all remember that song that ended each line with '...but I got high'? Mine might just be '...but I got drunk'.

Taking a week off from the booze. My productivity is almost zero.

Reading works by George Grant or Marshall McLuhan, I've noticed that the late 50's - early 60's were a time of seemingly unlimited optimism for the future but with clear warnings of where we could go err.

Unfortunately we did.

Progress is not progress when it is not sustainable. Progress is not progress when it propagates famine, ecological catastrophe and a whole host of injustice. Sometimes I welcome the idea of a global depression for the simple reason that it might topple a few governments and give us all a metaphorical kick in the ass.

I got a mullet to celebrate Canada day, no joke. (whoah! spell checker recognizes 'mullet'?)
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