Boris? Come in Boris.

Apr 23, 2008 11:50

Sometimes people comment about this blog and I'm immediately embarrassed. No no, its not the artwork- though a little bit from that I suppose. I make no claims with the stuff I put up here- it's not like I paid money to go to art school (and thank god for that because who would want to work at Starbucks for the rest of their latte living days?). I'm afraid its the words (and those a-cursed letters that make them up!) that trouble me.

So allow me to wax existential for a moment;

I remember leaving work (back in Canada) one night in February. Snow had just begun to fall in big, fat (some might call them droopy) flakes. No bother to me. I further remember sitting the car while I waited for it to warm up- Nirvana was on the radio so I wasn't in a hurry. Lethargy overtook me in a clout and I let out one of those sighs that drain you of breath and set the car in gear. As the snow had just begun, there was but a thin coating on the road but it didn't seem like a big deal until the light ahead changed and I pressed the breaks.

Nothing changed.

The car continued its pace unabated, the tires were indeed stopped but were now simple sliding along the ice that was actually below the snow. Unbeknownst to me it had rained earlier. The slide was dreadfully slow- enough time for me to pump the breaks, check the foggy rear-view mirror then put the gear in park before even getting the handbrake up. There was, obviously, no effect, the wheels having stopped when I first made them do so. And so I coasted on, ever so slowly towards the bulk in the shadows that eventually became a minivan. Some part of my brain must have been screaming at me to try something else; to put the car back into gear and accelerate and hope for some traction but it was drowned out in the rising crescendo of Radio Friendly Unit Shifter.

The two cars met with the most minute jolt- it might even have been the worlds first silent car crash. There was no damage to either cars. No fuss. No muss.

This is life as a progression. One mistake and you may find yourself gently coasting along, powerless to do anything, until it ends meaningless and quiet. A soft thud.

On a happier note- I don't even remembering making the above. It was called 'sakuracard.psd' so I'm going to assume it was supposed to be a postcard or a hanami party invite?? The things English Teachers do when drunk, I tell ya. Also, nobody had pointed out that William Gibson put out a new book and that Portishead have a new album. You all fail as friends.
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