Mar 09, 2006 17:26
Ah, today was fun. I love government with Katie and Maria. Good times!! There are more than this, I just can't remember.
"That's what you get for having fins" -me to Katie [Katie then preceeds to "swim" and make dinosaur noises]
"Shut up! I'm trying to forge something over here!" -Maria to Katie
"Get your mind out of the cleavage!" -me to Katie
[Katie lets out very loud squawk in middle of the hallway and the three of us break into unison laughter]
[Katie and I break into singing "LOVE" in our man voices causing many people to turn and stare]
"Dude, we are really annoying." -Katie
"I know. The great thing about it is, I don't care." -me
Katie and I have a gift. We've known each other/been great friends for so long, that our laugh is exactly the same.....making it a million times louder when we're together. I heart her!!