If you wanna see something funny...

Mar 08, 2007 00:39

Warning, bitter AOV rant incoming, the last one in all probability

See what they did to the AOV Site. Oh, and don't bother registering for the forums, if you are not a close friend of the new owners of the site, you won't get 'approved.' Man, all I wanted to do is pop in and say hi. But, alas, Norm made it into a private clubhouse for his friends for some inane reason. Oh, and all of those pics I took of the game? Apparently gone. 2000 fucking pictures, gone. Great to see all the work I did gone because people cannot make a fucking website. Great to see all my work is gone.

Well, at least it means I don't have to feel like I gotta help them on anything. Too bad, I think I had made a site that was, you know, good. Now, they wanted that sparse thing, which looks pretty bad imo, instead of a site with hundreds of pages of content. Oh well, guess simple works for them and their clubhouse. I also guess they wanted to finally kill the game dead.

I guess this sounds bitchy, well, I guess I am. Maybe I am focusing on it, but, I put a lot of work on that site. Now, it is all down, and, apparently they don't even want me back in a 'hey guys, what's up' capacity. Fuck them. Let them have their stupid clubhouse (that Paul is paying for the domain name for, and they are paying for webspace, gogo paying to have boards to make threads like 'I pooped at' when you could do the same with a free option.)

Say what you will about what I did for that site, at least I did'nt pull the shit they are pulling now. It's a fucking disgrace. That game lasted for years, lasted an entire season with no input from anyone that played the game for more than 2 events, and now dies because people wanted 'power' and used said power to make the website (the game's only method of advertising) as their private clubhouse, thus killing any form of 'word of mouth' that the game might get. If their ain't no events, fine, that happens. But, making it all private is a stupid thing to do unless you really wanna kill it all.

The silly thing is, I know they will read this. Oh yes, that much I know very well. Hi Norm. I know you will read this, I know there are a couple people on LJ that will send this to you, or to Leon. Go ahead, show them, I don't give a shit. Whatever shit I gave has long since gone away. Now, I am just pissed, and laughing at the fact that they think that POS is better than what I had. Gogo having a website that is effectively a shitty board system, 90% of which is private. If you are gonna go the premade, content manager type route, there are better programs than that. That thing is pretty shitty (hell, I have seen some pretty swank addons to phpBB that would have allowed you to keep most of the site.) I guess you know best, at least in the matter of taking a robust website and stripping it of all of it's content.

Oh well. At least I got out of that shit before the power trips got too bad. It was bad when I left, but, damn, never like this. Enjoy the clubhouse, guys. Have fun. All that 'I want the website' shit that you did worked, and for what? Boards to shoot the shit on. Good going, that makes a whole load of sense.


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