I am so hacked.

Oct 11, 2007 20:09

for, in truth, she is! many a friend of hers has suffered in silence as she hacked their account and posted as them. Even more amusing were her comments under the guise of different personas, most notably her best friend, Asher, and their pet cheerleader, Emily. So now, in our closing act, the triphecta, the hacker becomes the hackee.

hullo, this is Diana, and I am snappish! i make scathing retorts to eveyrone aorund me, but secretly i am protective of my best friends and look after them dearly! I act tough to hide the fatc that my herat is as melty as butter in the summer. I have an unhealthy obsession with emily's muffins.

also, i sleep with a stuffed penguin named Presto.

Good day.

editted by diana: asher, emily, when i figure out which one of you did this, there will be HELL to pay. grrrrr.

oh diana! looove and amuuusement!

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