In case you're wondering where I've been

May 30, 2016 19:08

The answer is: Watching all the basketball.

Guys, these playoffs! It's been an emotional roller coaster, and one that hasn't left much room or time for anything except basketball.

First, Curry gets injured in the first half of the first game in the first series against the Houston Rockets and has to miss a game. Then, right before the end of the first half in his comeback game (game 3 in Houston), he takes a bad spill and sprains his knee. Which means the Warriors have to win the majority of two series without the MVP on the court (although he's on the sidelines, acting like an adorable goofball, so there's that). My Dubs step up to the challenge and play a hard series against the Blazers, and Curry comes back in during game 4 for a truly inhuman performance in OT (he scored 17 points in 5 minutes. By himself. That's more than most teams score in OT), giving the Warriors momentum to close out the Blazers in game 5. All seems well in Dub Nation until the Oklahoma City Thunder steal game 1 from the Dubs in the Western Conference Finals. Game 2 goes our way, with a nice blowout score and MVP performance from Steph, but then…well, lets just say that games 3 and 4 were a massacre of the Warriors and leave it at that. But then the Warriors staged a comeback in game 5, had a miracle in game 6 (Klay Thompson went Human Torch and broke an NBA record by scoring 11 3-point shots in a playoff game), and shot their way to a finish in game 7 tonight (seriously, I think the Thunder beat the Dubs in every stat except three pointers, and that's where their downfall came from).

Long story short: injury, horrific slaughter, Dubs rise from the ashes like a goddamn meteor throwing phoenix, and now we've got the NBA finals for the next two weeks. I'm giddy with anticipation.

See y'all at the end of June!

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