Off to ClarinetFest!

Aug 05, 2011 23:24

I'm off to ClarinetFest which is being held at the California State University in Northridge, CA, just north of LA. It's been a little over three years since I've been to a convention and I'm looking forward to catching up with folks.

ClarinetFest 2008 was very important to me because it was a time in my playing career when my skills were slowly gaining momentum. I had just spent the first year of graduate school clawing my way up in the studio and getting into the excerpt competition was a first for me. I was finally feeling a bit more legitimate as a clarinetist. Listening to numerous inspirational performances encouraged me to grow musically, especially hearing Anthony McGill perform Debussy's Premiere Rhapsodie!

This time around, I'm really looking forward to competing in the Orchestral Excerpt competition again. I am far more prepared but the excerpts are far more challenging so I have my work cut out for me. I've got the Mozart exposition, Beethoven 6th (mvt. 1&2 solos), Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique (solo from the pastorale mvt), Mendlessohn Midsummer Night's Dream Scherzo, Schubert Unfinished Symphony (mvt 3 solos), Don Juan (solo in the slow section and all the fun fast runs afterward!), Stravinsky Firebird (introduction, variation movement). Hopefully Don Juan and Firebird go well. No matter how prepared I get those, there is still a sense of the uneasiness. I'm solid on them so hopefully my nerves stay solid as well.

Flying has been super easy this time around. I usually never check my bag (unless I also have my bass clarinet) but since my father is tagging along and military gets one free checked bag, I don't have anything to carry other than my clarinet. It's rather nice for a change and my back is grateful. We have one stop in Dallas/Fort Worth then we get to LA by 12:30pm. So right now it's really 5:45am in LA! This might explain why I've been staying up and sleeping so much recently. I'm acclimating to the time change. Wink

Needless to say, I'm super excited about this weekend. I will finally get to spend more than 36 hours in LA. Might just change the way I feel about Southern California.

Here's to a wonderful weekend full of clarinet!
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