What I did:

Dec 26, 2006 19:07

Christmas Eve: From 3.30 - 7.30ish I was at the Dux with
maddogdamo and
scabbypants drinking, drawing and sneaking Scabbypants into the mens room to be The Toilet Oracle. I had already gone in, done my business, come out, gone back in to check for the all-clear, surreptitiously washed my hands in order to start the Question Asking and gone out again when droves of people swarmed the bathroom ultimately trapping Scabbypants in a cubicle. When finally she made it out she accused us of abandoning her...I guess we kinda did.
 We then discovered our western side of a shared table was being taken over by invaders from the east [end of the table]. It soon became standing room only (Jaysus! It's Christmas Eve people! Shouldn't you be with your family?) Therefore we high tailed it to mine to watch Bill Bailey, Drink, discuss the quirks of predictive text and eat biscuits.

Christmas Day: Pretty Quiet. Opened a present that my folks sent up. Dad had accidentally taken it Deer Hunting so the chocolate bars were squashed and the gift vouchers crumpled. Later, over the phone, he said I was lucky they weren't covered in blood. Had Christmas dinner at Dave's place with him and his Parents. We then watched a Korean movie called Memories of Murder. It was quite good.

Boxing Day: Attended an annual Boxing Day Picnic at Mona Vale, once more with Dave and many others. Played cricket, where I fell down a bank into a thicket of bamboo and leaped painfully into several bushes. Moving onto Ultimate Frisbee (possibly some comic book reinvention. ha. ha. Sorry) where I demonsrated my ability to jump - occasionally at the right time, less occasionally landing on my feet. Throw a ball into the mix and I am sore and smell of sweat and potting mix.

Verdict: Pretty good Christmas really. Just a lot different. Mum and Dad come up on Friday for some more Christmas.


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