Mar 27, 2004 00:36
I'm in a very ethereal mood. Became better acquainted with one of my girlfriends best friends tonight.
Very interesting person, she reminds me of bits and pieces of different things.
I had fun, I'm glad to just once more have proof that I can have the best time around Jonni without getting to physical. Hah I miss her already, whats it been 30 minutes since I've seen her? *cough* loser *cough*
College is looming infront of me. The SAT's are even closer. Hah, not to mention the oh so dreaded senior year.
Holy crap I have to clean my room tonight. The first fucking rule in real estate is the grosest thing I've ever heard of. To make a house more impressive you need to abolish personality. I watched brother take all the photos and nic-nak's off our fridge today.
If they try to take my Dr. Pepper pile I'll die fighting!
I wonder about my granddad sometimes...I wonder what it would be like to be him. That age, that experience, that intelligence....that loneliness. He is living alone, in a state with little to no "alive" family. He has a tiny house on a clean street. He is a genius. I look at all of the Hoshors...damn they are all genius's. Maybe I was adopted? I just don't fit in with the rest. Especially in my strain of family...Jim, Alan, and Troy...brilliant each in thier one way...Troy on specific topics, alan problem solving, and Jim on broad topics.
Anyways...I have to go de-personalize my room. Damn them. I'll miss this house. I'd almost rather burn it down then see another family...or fatass living in it.