Todd? Really? Out of the house you say?

Mar 13, 2004 00:25

YES! That was me...getting out of the house and spending some money! Even if it was just for a measly hour or two that was enough.

Went to see Starsky and Hutch...definitely worth it. Almost didn't want to see it because I really didn't think I was in the mood to laugh at ben stiller comedy, but he really impressed me and flipped my mood around. I loved how his comedy spin on starsky.


I am who I am, I have my own views and if I bother/disgust others then thats too bad for them. I believe what I believe and if you have a problem with it, tuff, suck it up or leave. Don't throw disrespecting on one who isn't doing the same to you.

I've seen people get so wrapped up in what they believe that they cannot consider anything else. If you ever become a biggot, get your head checked because if you go through life caring about every opposing comment said you'll be fighting till your grave. (good? bad? *shrug*)

Some, like myself, wish to be in thier own little worlds with thier own beliefs to come and go. I happily chat about any and all of my beliefs and can easily disagree/agree with others about them. It doesn't bug me when somebody loves something I hate, or vise versa. I let it be. Just like my beliefs are very loose...I have years before I cement them to my personality and I don't mind editing them here or there.

But really...when you are so uncomfortable with your beliefs (or yourself) that you must promote them at every turn and attack opposers you really need to re-evaulate yourself. Acceptance is a divine human trait. If you succumb to bias then you are just as bad as the rest of the worlds hateful/racist/prejudice biggots, even if you believe in a "good" cause. A personal definiton of good or bad doesn't cut it in the real world.

A bum is on the sidewalk. The first man that walks by (Man A) passes without a glance - he is a social darwinist.

Social Darwinism is the belief that if your not strong enough to fend for yourself nobody else (especially the governement but in this case another man) should help you because you are not fit to survive.

The bum still sits in the sidewalk, man B passes, he is a sympathetic christian human who wants only save the worlds children. He saw man A walk past and was enraged, he quickly gives the bum a few dollars and points him out to the nearest homeless shelter.

(NOW! Don't get me wrong, I am not promoting any of these ideas for myself or others, merely using them as an example)

Man B encounters Man A at the local market and after accidentally conversing man B refuses to talk kindly/calmly to man A because he would not look twice at the poor man on the street. Man B dislikes man A for his beliefs. All man A is doing is what his conscience tells him is right or correct...while man A does the same...yet he needs to realize that we are all human and questing to get us to believe the same thing is not only pointless, it is wrong. We were MEANT by birth to think differently from eachother.

Humans are all born with different degrees of good and bad. Some are sadists, others saints. To say one side of the spectrum is WRONG is wrong in itself. There is no wrong or right there is only possibility.

While personaly I feel that alcohol is disgusting, others I know cannot get enough of it. There is nothing wrong with that. We disagree. Yet I do not preach my brains and make them feel bad about who they are...or even try to. I TRY to let other people be who they are and make thier own choices.

I am not afraid to tell people what I believe only afraid that they don't give me the same respect that I give them. Truth is, I rarely recieve it, which is probably another reason I keep it all to myself...humans are the worst of any life-form I've ever known. I loathe being one. Not only have we created the word lie, but also a lovely new action to go along with it. In some respects a lie is more gruesome then a tiger riping a bloody rabit carcass to shreads.

We are all animals, and we all have weapons, and we all use them. Just because you cannot see the damage doesn't mean its not there.

ANYWAYS, this is all my belief, even my system of "don't ask don't tell - respect" has its flaws but it should. There is no sound opinion...there will always be loopholes.

Humans striving for perfection is like watching a monkey follow a banana on a string attached to a pole tied to the monkey. It keeps running and the banana keeps a few feet ahead of the monkey no matter what. No matter how far we travel, perfection is always out of reach. Even in the future to the tenth power I don't see perfection as a possibility. It is inconcievable to my tiny human brain.

I wonder what percent of my brain I use...the average human uses such a low perfect of thier brain........

Hmmm how would you measure something like that? I'm sure there are a ton of brilliant neuro-scientists out there who could give me the answer in seconds...maybe its better a mystery *cough* .0001% of my brain *cough*

Anyhow I'm really really tired, in the last week have had only a handful of hours of sleep,

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