adstringendum application ❀

Feb 03, 2011 13:22

Name: Elimyx
Livejournal: elimyx 
Contact: aim; elimyx. email; purposetofight [at] gmail [dot] com for character stuff.
Other Characters Played: N/A, but previously played here before.
Are you 18 or over? Nope ;;

Character: Nelliel tu Oderschvank // tu Odelschwanck // Nel Tu, depending on the translation and/or current mental state.
Timeline: Post-295 (flashback; "The Last Mission"), a vague amount of time after she becomes Nel Tu, but still a long way before the canon storyline.

Personality: Nelliel, deep down, is out of place in her line of work. She's peaceful and emotional, preferring to read a book then attack others. When something trips her (admittedly big) sense of curiosity, she will react with childlike enthusiasm, and can occasionally act like a little kid as opposed to the composed adult she is.

But regardless of her relaxed attitude, she is still a Hollow. When she wishes to, usually when on a mission, she retreats behind a a silently judgmental neutral facade. Orders get followed to the small-print if she respects the one giving them, and expects the same of others. She speaks only if spoken too and retains her habit of indulging her curiosity. One notable thing is how she becomes a bit of a stickybeak when like this, and has no qualms about following Nnoitra people she dislikes to make sure they don't screw up.

Despite her rank as the former? Tercera Espada, Nel is somewhat pacifistic and despises fighting. She will fight back if she is attacked, or if someone she cares for needs protection, but once her opponent can't fight back, she ceases. It's rare that she delivers the killing blow, especially against those she deems "not true warriors". She follows a code of honor - that those capable of reason need a true purpose to fight others - and she refuses to see those that break it as her equals. For some reason, the exception to this is if you seriously harm her bffs. She will flip her shit if you do.

That pretty much sums Nelliel up, but not her bitty half. At the stage I'm taking Nel from, her smaller self has only recently been created, so to speak. She's still enthusiastic and all around ridiculous, but she's still got a lot to learn.

Even as a bitty, she represents an oddity among her race. Instead of the usual "rawr I'mma eatchu and cause massive amounts of property damage" attitude most low-level Hollow sport, Nel instead spends most of her time running through a desert bawling her eyes out because she thinks its fun. Which... pretty much sums her up. She hasn't a single worry, spends most of her time having fun, and comes up with crazy shit to do.

Another oddity is her general attitude. As far as the Desert Brother-ette is concerned, the Shinigami are the evil, soul-destroying, property-damage-causing forces of the Bleach universe, and it takes a lot to convince her otherwise, usually some form off attachment. Speaking of such, show a bit of kindness to her (proving you're not going to eat her helps) and she'll quickly latch onto one's presence like a green-haired limpet. She will hug you and squish you and call you George and never let you go. Ever. Up to and including going into places she's afraid of. ie. every panel she has with Ichigo despite not knowing him by this canon-point.

And to top off this lisping cocktail of shenanigans, add in a simply horrible vocabulary (third page down) and a habit of talking about subjects one of her age really shouldn't, and you have the odd little derpball that is Nel Tu. Adittionally, she had originally lost her memories of her older self when turning into a child for the first time, and will occasionally do so again in future transformations. However, she retains all her memories of both forms while adult.

Background: A long time ago, stuff happened, someone died and a Hollow was born. Said Hollow eventually evolved several stages, turned into a mindless monster, regained its mind and eventually broke its mask. From that Hollow came Nelliel Tu Oderschvank.

Then shenanigans happened, presumably of the fighting-to-survive variety. What is known about Nelliel's past is that at some point, she encountered Dondochakka Birstanne and Pesche Guatiche, and they became her Fraccion and she loved them forever. Then along came Nnoitra Jiruga, the then-Octava Espada, and an epically one-sided rivalry was born. Again, at some point before this - or after, canon isn't too clear - Aizen came along and claimed Las Noches as his, subsequently becoming Lord of Everything the Light Freaky Perma-Cresent Moon Touches.

Either way, fun times was had. Over the months/years/whatever, Nelliel completed missions, read books, and humiliated Nnoitra in every one of his attempts to kill her. Each time she refused to finish him, because a) he was a fellow Espada, and b) because she saw him as nothing more then a mindless intoxicated animal. This naturally pissed him off, and he eventually worked together with a certain pink haired creeper ('sup, Szayel) in order to beat her.

Cue a funky little machine, and Bleach once again proving that any sort of illusionary abilities is hax stuff. Nnoi tricked the green-haired Espada, first by ripping off her Fraccion's masks (implied to be one of the most douchebaggy things an Arrancar can do) to lure her in, then using an illusion of himself to distract her while he sworded her mask. She lost some mask-teeth, got a scar, and was stripped of a good chunk of her reiatsu in the aftermath.

Nnoitra booted all three off the walls of Las Noches, stating that he will be equal if not stronger then her by the time she returned. Nel's response was to turn into a child. One creeper wasn't amused, the other was, and science marched onwards. Her two Fraccion, seeing an opportunity to "save" their Espada from the cycle of violence, gave up their chance to return and became her "brothers". Nel couldn't remember anything of her past life, so nobody noticed otherwise and shenanigans were had.

Normally, she would go on to meet a shounen hero and kick ass, but instead she wound up in Adstringendum. Funny, that.

Abilities/Additional Notes: Note: gonna copypaste the sample rp from my old app, because Eli is a lazy bitch.

BITTY FORM ✿ The main mental downside of the toddlercar is that she can't remember anything her "older" form has done or seen, only what her "younger" self has experienced.Spiritually, she's nothing special. She's got the reiatsu of a newly-formed Hollow, and is roughly about as threatening as a toothless kitten. She does, however, have three weak abilities that link to her bigger form.

✿ Chouka Soku (spanish; super speed). Generally hinted at by the eyeholes of her mask glowing, it boosts her speed for a short time in a very rudimentary version of sonido. Tends to get used like a battering ram.
✿ Weakened Cero Doble (spanish; double zero). Bitty version of one of her signature attacks. Take one energy based attack - usually a cero - and swallow it. Then proceed to redirect it back where it came from. Wears the bitty out, though.
✿ Healing Spit. Exactly what it says on the tin, only... it's not exactly saliva, it just looks like it. Nel barfs spits on a wound, and it actually applies a weak healing ability. Naturally, pretty gross. Not really explained if it carries across to her older self.

ADULT FORM ❀ She gets her memories and intelligence back in this form, which is a plus. Paired with this is full access to her spiritual power, which she can still use to hit like a freight train despite her weakened energy. Physically, she has enhanced strength (enough to kick people through walls), is an excellent melee combatant, and tends to favor speed. She's competent enough to rank up in the top three of the Espada, in her day, and to have bested Nnoitra pretty much every time (and he's pretty good himself.) But straying from the mundane, we have...

HIERRO, SONIDO, BALA, CERO and GARGANTA. Standard Arrancar fare, linked to wiki-wise since ya'll've heard it before. In order: thin layer of spiritual energy as armor, miniaturized teleportation, punching spirit energy at people, turning spiritual energy into lasers, and ripping reality to skip dimensions. Naturally, the first is weakened by Nel's injury, the last is innacessable due to Adstring being wonky, and she's pretty good at the second.
❀ ZANPAKUTO (japanese; soul-cutter sword). Like pretty much everyone in the series, Nelliel has a sword. SHaped like a katana, with a green sheath/hilt and a guard shaped like a pair of crescent moons joined at the back, ironically similar to Nnoitra's sword blade. Due to Arrancar's Zanpakuto being different, it's got its own section.
❀ CERO DOBLE (spanish; double zero). Full version, woo. Nelliel blocks an energy attack (again, usually cero), and "swallows" it. After a moment, she  blends it with her own cero - hence the "doble" part - and fires it back at increased strength. Pretty devastating, since it made a big boom when it was shown in canon. The further the redirected attack deviates from actual cero, the more kickback she suffers. Normally, she can 'doble to her hearts content, provided she has the energy to block it and add her cero, but swallowing Kido, for example, would burn her insides. Non-energy attacks are right out.
❀ HEALING SPIT. Again, should be mentioned, but it's unknown if it carries across to her big form.

RELEASED FORM ✿ Gamuza (spanish; chamois) is unique enough to warrant its own section. To release it, she needs to hold the blade horizontal in front of her, and place the palm of her empty hand on the back of the blade, before calling out "Utae" (japanese; to declare, to announce). A hazy smoke leaks out of the blade as it glows, and the moment she calls out the second half - "Gamuza" - there's a rather noticeable explosion of energy before boom, resurrección. Physically, she comes to resemble both a knight and a centaur, with her lower half becoming like a mountain goat, and armor appearing on her shoulders, arms and neck. Additionally, her mask turns similar to a helmet, and she gains a double-ended lance. Generally, she gains increased speed, strength and endurance (+ the ability to give pony rides), but unlike other released states, she only receives one unique power.

✿ LANZADOR VERDE (spanish; green lancer). By rearing up on her hind legs and hurling the lance like she's at the javelin toss event, the nannygoat can cause mass amounts of property damage. The actual attack is nothing more then spiritual energy spiraling from the tip of the lance - ironically, it's her usual pink rather then green - and turning it from a spear-esq attack into a bloody magic drill. It tends to knock opponents back and break bits of weapons, but that's drills for you. Can only be used when she's holding the lance, obv, and she has to pick it up after.

SWAPPING BETWEEN THE THREE ❀ Thanks to the repeatedly mentioned injury, Nelliel's reiryoku reserves fluctuate depending on what she's doing. It leaks out constantly, making for easy tracking and less easy fighting. The general rate of how long she can hold her forms is:

❀ BITTY. Indefinitely, since she's effectively on low power.
❀ BITTY -> ADULT. Thanks to Adstringendum's crackpot nature, she can swap forms with a few weeks of reiryoku storage, instead of a few years. She needs incentive to swap, though - like seeing someone get pummeled into pieces, raaaaaaage, extreme happiness, a promise, or just needing stronger hands to open the cookie jar.
❀ ADULT. Again, indefinitely, but it taxes her more then the bitty. Mainly because of her larger "size" and wider array of abilities.
❀ ADULT -> RELEASED. It takes a bit more stockpiling, but generally about a week after she first "wakes up" as her older self. She can use her resurrección sooner, but it causes her to skip straight back to bitty after.
❀ RELEASED. Half an hour, as opposed to the longer amounts of time that other Arrancar have. Any longer and she forcibly poofs back.
❀ ADULT -> BITTY. Not usually a willing transformation, at least on a conscious level, unlike the others. She'll revert back into toddlercar mode if seriously stressed or if she runs too low on spiritual energy.

ALSO Nel will be arriving maybe a week after her accident. Sooo oversized clothes and too-long-for-a-bitty hair on a still-bloodstained toddlercar is a go-go. Because what is water in Hueco Mundo, seriously.

Sample Journal Post: Heeee~ Thpawkly!

[And now for something completely different - a little blur of green and white trying to catch her floating bubble of emoticons, which is currently blinking with bright pink hearts. The pouncing is somewhat slowed down by the bitty trying to wear clothes a million sizes too big, but it doesn't seem to deter her. If anything, climbing up and promptly falling flat on her face just encourages her.]

U-uuu! Thpawkly ithn't playing faiw, b-but Nel will thucctheed! [/rubbing nose stubbornly, and a quick attempt to free her limbs from that long mop of hair.] The heawth will be Nel'th!

[Jump jump flail, rinse and repeat. There's no notice made of the PCD, just a toddlercar running around in circles being a spazz. Eventually, however, she does notice that she's standing on stone instead of sand.]

...E-eh?! Pethhe? Dondochakka? Wheweth Nel'th bwuddewth go?!

[The feed times out to Nel turning vaguely in the direction of the camera, still spazzing. It's worth noting the liberal amounts of dried blood on her face and clothes, but it doesn't seem to bother her. Hmm.]

Sample RP: Quiet. It reminded her of the way things should be.

Alone in her room, Nelliel had the chance to think, hands resting on the worn cover of an old book. No Octava's challenging her rank, no Aizen-sama's to order her, no cheerfully-clumsy Fraccion to distract her. Just herself and the pale walls. Her desk was scattered with papers - it was odd, paperwork. They were an organization of Hollows, and yet their new King expected them to complete reports on missions. She didn't mind, per-se, but it still felt different. At least she didn't cero it, like some did.

The tranquility was broken. Just thinking about his antics brought a frown to her face. She couldn't understand him...why he was so desperate for his artificial high. Here they were, Arrancar, given a second chance at sanity, and he was wasting it on trivial things! Seeking out fights, killing needlessly, throwing fits whenever someone didn't follow his idea, attacking her out of was amazing a brute like him ever became an Espada.

Calm down.

She chided herself. Now was not the time to dwell on the idiocies of others. This was supposed to be her down time.

She gently lowered her book down to the cluttered desk, and cleared the space to the window in moments. The roof...Aizen-sama was building a roof over the clear Hueco Mundo night, to facilitate a thing she could barely remember...something called "sunlight". She would miss looking out her window to see the dark sky. It was calming to her, and yet she never knew why. But, after a brief stargaze, her eyes drifted down to a small box one of the lower Arrancar had found on an unauthorized trip to the Living World. Glancing to her door, to make sure nobody was watching, she opened it and withdrew its treasure.

Alone in the night, Nelliel Tu Oderschvank played house with her little rag doll, feeling for all the world like a peaceful child.

!oh oh see

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