Hmmm... The state of my life and the world

Mar 29, 2003 15:07

Boy has time gone by and not much has happened in that time and then again much has at least not for me though.

I have changed back to learning Java programming, though at the moment I have that on hold. I just don't have the time to devote to it. I will admit that I am very fond of Java and would very much like to someday make a useful runecasting program with it. My desire is to be skilled enough to be able to make something, anything, beyond a simple "Hello, World!" program without having to resort to a book every ten seconds.

The world has changed.

The war on Iraq has begun and I am quite amblivalent about it. On one hand it is wrong and criminal and we most certainly should not be bothering with it. All the reasons for it are bogus and and hardly justifiable. It amazes me to see how many seemingly inteligent people just don't get it, and actually think this war is a good idea... that it is the proper thing to be doing. They are wrong. For all their experience, for all their knowledge, for all their professional opinions... they are wrong. I am besides myself that they just don't get it. I have always know that there is a definite distinction between wisdom and knowledge. This war has shown me just how big the gap between the two truely is and how rare the precious gem of wisdom is amongst us humans.

On the other hand, I believe the repercussions of this war will teach a valuable lesson to the ignorant sheep of this country, otherwise known as the average american. They have very little idea what life outside of their "Must-See-TV"-"McDonald's-Extra-Value-Meal"-"Pop-Culture"-lifestyle is like. And I don't blame them too much, after all past wars have been fought so that very trivial way of life could be the de facto standard for our people. I do criticize the sheeple of America for taking it for granted, however. But worst of all, what I deride them them most for is that fact that they just don't care about anyone but themselves. What goes on beyond our borders rarely makes the nightly new unless american interestes are threaten. Threats against our american brothers make the headlines. Threats against our human brothers aren't news worthy.

This war is good for us in one way only. It will cause the people of this nation great pain. Pain is a great motivator and inspiration. It is hard to ignore and people act quickly and decisively to bring an end to it. A year from now this country will despise George W. Bush for making this country and its people a target for a form of terrorism and international ill-will the likes of which the people of this country and, quite possibly, the world have never known. But it will happen and the people of this country will then realize how foolish they have been and hopefully become enlightened enough and motivated enought to prevent anything like this from ever sullying the reputation of their homeland again.

Now the Bush-administration has descided to put a 4 to 6 day hold on the war's progress. Hopefully this will give the Iraqis time to recoup and put up a show of resistance that will make the coalition forces reconsider their criminal assault on a sovreign nation.

Do I like Saddam Hussein? No. I think he is a self-serving, de-humanizing monster and that his regime should be erradicated. But I believe that it is for the people of Iraq to implement such a course of action on their own. Their destiny lies in their own hands, not those of foreign powers with alterior motives. America is not and should not be the police of the world, especially when we have so many of our own problems left unresolved. I can only imagine how much good seventy-billion dollars could have done if it was allocated to health-care, tax-relief, education or our own poverty stricken, but with it sent instead to fund the murder of countless people a half a world a way I guess I will never know.

I will leave you now with a quote that I have found comforting over the last few days, though it doesn't seem quite apropriate...

"Keep me from the wisdom that does not cry, the philosophy that does not laugh, and the greatness that does not bow before children." -- Gibran Kahlil Gibran, Lebaneese-American Poet
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