Well, I haven't been on for a while here obviously. Sorta gotten out of the LJ thing-well, at least writing my own entries-because I have very little to say. Anyway, sorry for neglecting my friends though-I'll try and lurk and at least read your LJs a bit. Another reason I haven't posted is because I've started just writing about the evils of el Monkey Prez and stuff @ badthingshappen.blogspot.com. That's been more interesting than much that happens in my life. Anyway, re: that, I am sort of in a relationship now, I think. (How's that for a ringing endorsement of romance?) Ricky, you got some 'splainin' to do. Well, the explanation is we met online and anyway, things are going well, I think she's coming down here from Chicago in a couple weeks, I'll head up there sometime soon after and visit her I imagine. I've been TAing a class this summer and doing some research on just why Moreno Valley has become a behemoth of a town. Anyway, interesting stuff. Oh yeah, and I was in Oregon for a couple weeks basically working as a lumberjack (yes, sing the Monty Python song now and let's get that out of the way). Tiring tiring work. My step-dad to be is building a house all out of wood up there and I went to help him. I guess they have this program whereby some trees in the forest are designated available for cutting down....they have to be <7" in diameter and the Forest Service marks trees in designated areas that you aren't supposed to cut down. Anyway, in two days of actually chopping down trees, we estimated we moved 20K lbs. of lumber. Scary...other than that we had to mill the trees so the logs were cut just right and we also had to put the trees by the house in the order in which they'll be placed when the house is actually assembled. Anyway, quite an experience and I got paid a bit which was nice. Hmm...what else? I dunno...just trying to stay out of the heat more or less. If you want a look at the area where the house is gonna be, check out Klamath County's
website. It's a beautiful area. A little too quiet for me but certainly gorgeous place to visit. And if you drive up I-5 going there, you drive past Mt. Shasta and the legendary towns of Weed, Hilt, and Talent. But don't drive 93 in Siskiyou County as I did.