Jul 25, 2004 22:50
well in case u didnt know..im freakin sun burned from laying out all day with casey lol. its horrid lookin! i look like a giant lobster! who needs the beach when u can get on a double wide floaty and float and get tan all day!! im gonna be sexy when this tan comes in...just wait!! Well today was so freakin good!! at the beginning it sucked cause my brother told my mom something and so i had to explain somethings cause last night..heh heh..i nearly beat the shit out of someone, which will remain nameless. Lets just say i got soo pissed off i punched the shit out of the wall and my knuckles are still swolland ( i know thats spelled wrong, just deal with it) and i made a fool out of myself infront of eric and i had to apologize to him and i think everything is settled now, i didnt get mad at him..i got mad at someone else at work...and something was said about something that i sorta regret...and lets just hope nothin comes out of it cause it wont be pretty..ill kill someone. ok..last night when i worked i came out and i was lookin for my rag..and this man THREW A FREAKIN BOOK AT ME. i was like what the hell bitch and he goes, im leaving cause this is sorry ass service! and took his kid somewhere else..i was like wtf i wasnt even behind the counter i was working in the freakin back..so i had to tell amber and she was upset that he did that to me!! i mean if that guy hit me hard enough..i woulda jumped over the counter and tackle him and then i would sick eric on him lol. but omg..that has never happened to me before lol..but i had a bad night...so eric took me and christina home..but we went by the gas station to get christina some cigs and she gave me one and so we got at my house and we smoked in my drive way and my brother went outside and talked to us, the cig really helped..cant wait till i turn 18 so i can buy some when i really need them. Eric said he wanted to slap me cause he doesnt like to see me smoke and i told him that i wanted to smoke mary jane before school got out and he said he will slap me cause i dont need to get in that stuff..gah eric is the nicest guy..soo sweet, i could spend all day with him which i did today, he came over around 2 and we chilled, then we went to albertsons, wal mart, and circle K cause we were on a hunt for my moms chutney! lol we never found any..BUT omg at the gas station.. i had to go in and get some ice..and he decided to circle the building over and over again till i came out..and here comes this old lady!! she was like why is he driving around like that! hes crazy! and the clerk goes..ASK HER!! and i was like..uhh..hes just driving? and she goes he nearly hit me!! but before all of this..lmao..i got out of the truck and he yells, GET ME SOME WHISKY!!!! and the clerk heard him and he told me why he was yelling..so odd so finally the woman stopped eric..and told him hes crazy and all this shit and eric goes..yep its a crazy world and then we left to go eat with my family, casey, jason, gman, daddy, and my lovely mother! it was sooo good! we had lamb! omg..then peach cobbler from dessert..soooo good!! i love my mommy's cooking! then me and eric went to go get some gas and then we went to see if mitch was home but he wasnt so we went down this long road and stopped at a dead end and we watched lightning and the stars and the moon together and we "chilled" lol it was great, i love being with him, hes too funny!!! then he was really quiet on the way back cause he was really tired and he said driving makes him tired...poor kid, i hope he got home alright!
well that was my day, and im gonna go to bed soon!! i gotta take my pills and watch my howard stern!! peace and love people!
Rachal the RETARD!