Aug 01, 2006 01:54
So, earlier today I resolved to become a Notary Public in the state of NY. There is only one problem: I don't have a residency in NY and therefore can not become a Notary Public in that state. So, I looked up the application to become a Notary Public in the state of Connecticut, and it couldn't be easier. The test questions are on the application itself. The only requirements beside filling the thing out accurately are having the jurat (swearing of oath of commission) recorded by your local town clerk or Notary Public and having someone sign a certificate of character (I'm going to ask Sirk to sign it tomorrow at lunch).
Will this be a resume booster for law school?...perhaps. Is it a government appointed permission to stamp stuff at will??...ABSOLUTELY!! Hopefully, I'll have the darn thing notorized on the day I go to Katie's place (in the morning before travelling).
I Miss Katie a whole lot... and although I am happy that I will see her again next weekend, being with her parents for an entire weekend does not seem like a very fun time. I'm sure that, if I bring a good flask of burbon or cognac and use it sparingly, things will turn out well.
I am still contemplating what to bring them as a gift. Is a bottle of Beaujoulais Nuveau (apparently, her mother's favorite wine) and an accompanying sangria recipe (Todd tested...Todd's mother approved) appropriate?
I would also like to bring something that the father would enjoy. I'm not sure as to his weapon of choice, but I'm pretty sure that tobacco products are out and he doesn't seem like a whiskey man. He's definately old enough for Sherry, but I'm not quite sure of his tastes on this. Maybe something "Star Trek" related? Perhaps a book? What DO you get the man who holds the keys between the door of living in parentally approved "bliss" and "living in sin"? Ah, what we men do for love.
Speaking of which, I finished The Modern Lover this past morning. It was a quick, lively read. Although I had some trouble with the sections involving pre-natal care and parenting. Hopefully, not for a long time will I have to seriously deal with such things.
LSAT prep is not going as well as I had hoped thus far. Attempts to study today crashed and burned like my latest attempt at steak au poivre. Hopefully, now that I am no longer employed by Birchwood, I will be able to study in the privacy of my own home (and without pants).
Come to think of it, I haven't written a poem in a while. Truly, it is the greatest window to one's literary soul. I still have it in me to write in verse? A Haiku is quick and simple (hence the "zen-like beauty"), but longer poems require multiple stanzas and smooth transition. Perhaps the next thing I will add to my book shelf will be a poetic anthology by non-classical poets. Horace and Catullus are nice, sublime in fact, but I think it's high time I versed myself with some more modern artists (by modern, I mean the since the rise of Byzantium). Any suggestions?
Also, for the record, I need to get rid of this incessant competitive streak (makes me an emotionally distant son, boyfriend, and fraternity brother).
I think that was enough to quiet my active mind enough for some sleep.
stuff n' things