New game modes to test in the future

Sep 04, 2018 11:54

The new League of Legends mode has been announced and looks promising. References to other well-known game genres are also discernible.

new game mode map

The game manufacturer Riot Games has announced on the forum to offer prototypes on the live servers for testing. These are not tied to specific events and are tested to get them permament in the game. The first new mode to be released in patch 8.16 is called Nexus Flash. Within four weeks there should be the possibility to test the new mode and give feedback directly.

The main differences:

It is no longer played on the Summoner's Gap, but on a new playing card. This is divided into two larger areas. The upper area consists of a jungle that is to be controlled by two players from each team. The lower path in the middle is divided into two, on each of which three players should fight.

The shortened playing time to 13 to 15 minutes is guaranteed by so-called events. In the announcement, examples are given, such as the well-known death circle from Battle Royal games, King of the Hill and accompanying a payload. In addition, champions are rewarded with many assists and kills by getting the status "On Fire" and becoming stronger.

Influences of other games

These changes may seem familiar to some because some elements can be found in games like Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm, and Fortnite. Nevertheless, we can look forward to the innovations, because this is only one of many future experiments.

Suitable for eSports?

Since so far only the 5 against 5 card was played in the competitive area, it is questionable whether this mode will prevail in eSport. The prerequisite for this is that Nexus Blitz must first prove itself in the test phase in order to become a regular game mode.

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