Get it right people! Goth and Punk are two different things! D:
Anyway, 'bout time I said somthing on my Birthday last Friday. (Shame on you if you forgot! >:
Here is what I have so far: (Yes, 'so far.' I still have family members who've yet to gift due to reasons beyond their control)
-A New Computer Chair (I depseratly needed this)
-A Fancy light thing (It's shiney! :D ) [EDIT: I've been around Pink too long. *shot*]
-Tripp Pants. (Those fancy big one's that you can seet he goth kids wearing...I've figured out why I don't always look gothic...I can't afford it. XD )
-Some Shirts
-Dinner at a fancy reseraunt (P.F. Chang's)
-A total of $95. ...I don't know what I'm going to spend it on...maybe fingerless gloves. |D ...and video games. Horray!
...or that calculator I need for school, but we'll see...
I still have a few people left, but I think I know what they got me...rawr.
I'm-a watch FMA now, bai's!
I've just now figured out how awesome Goth Music is.