Oct 12, 2008 11:53
Busiest fuckin weekend of my life. This is seriously the only like down time I'm probably going to have for the rest of the weekend. But I like it.
I gotta type this fast cause I got shit to do in a little bit, but I thought I'd atleast tell everyone that reads this that
I got a haircut.
My long hair is no longer that. I'm going to donate it to locks of love.
I rule.
Anyways on top of that.
Friday: I got my hair cut, went to the hoover football game, went and picked up Josh, went to Sam's house and got pretty drunk.
Good times there.
After that I had to wake up at 9:30 the next day
drop Josh and Brad off at their houses, skip breakfast, and volunteer at the book festival for 9 hours.
The day ended with me in a coal car filled with books, and playing in them as if they were a giant ball pit.
After that I went to the mall to show someone my hair, then went to their mom's house, to show their mom my hair, and dropped them back at their car. I left abruptly and went back to my house. I took a shower, and brushed my teeth for the first time in what seems like forever. I got to clean my lip and remove the little hairs from my haircut that accumulated on my back and were making me very very itchy.
I crashed at 9:30 and just woke up about half an hour ago.
I still haven't had breakfast yet, but it's coming up.
Chicken wings + lipring aren't fun, but they're so delicious.
I got some rehearsal today. and I want to spend the night at someone's house.
probably Josh's.
let's see what happens, though.
Monday, I don't have any structured plans, but I'm either hanging out with Lauren or Jackie.
I just can't remember which one. haha. maybe both.
I dunno.