January 25th 2008 - Afternoon Tea with John Barrowman
Got up early to shower and make last minute phone calls and checks online for emails and decisions on what to wear. Also made one final phone call to the Hippodrome to check that all I needed to take with me was my email confirmation as I’d not received any tickets in the mail and I was beginning to panic. But my mind was put to rest when I was told that there had been nothing sent out because it was less than 7 days before the event when I’d booked and they didn’t want to risk it not turning up on time. So once that phone call was made and I’d phoned my dad in Australia for some last minute advice on what to wear I went to get changed.
I decided on after much deliberation and help from everyone who had answered my poll on here that I was going to go for my tux, converse and torchwood t-shirt combo. Although sadly the tumble dryer wasn’t on my side so the torchwood t-shirt had to be abandoned in favour of my black, pink and white wrap over top. Incidentally I wore this top the very first time I ever met John last April at the Borders book signing in Oxford Street. I hadn’t realised until much later that I still had on my Dr Who pin badge with Ten & Rose from the last time I’d worn the top.
So anyways clothes decided upon I put on my white converse style trainers and set about doing my hair. Well actually my mum did my hair for me. Pulling it up into a high ponytail and then pinning it in place with a gorgeous clip I bought from a little Chinese store near the Hippodrome last Tuesday when I went with the girls from work. A silver peacock with pink crystals in its tail.
Once ready it was time to double check that I had my confirmation slip and camera, phone etc. I left home at 11am to ensure that I wouldn’t miss my 12:30 train even if the bus was late. As it happens I ended up with a trainee driver and didn’t get to town until 11:40 so slightly later than usual. At this stage I had to stop off in the local market to get a headband as the wind had caused my hair to frizz somewhat and some of it had escaped. So I ended up with a pink leopard print one as the colours matched my top.
I then got a sandwich etc to eat on the train/platform as I knew once I was on my way from Nottingham, my change over destination that there’s no way I’d be able to eat anything because of my nerves. So lunch bought and eaten I boarded my train and set off from Lincoln.
Reading John’s biography on the way. Wow there is some really moving stuff in there such as the way in which John came out to his parents and the death of a close friend. (More on Midge later as it is relevant to the event) His first time with a guy. Really moving stuff. I’ve learnt a lot I hadn’t known from reading this and there’s still so much more to learn about him. It all makes me admire him even more as both an entertainer and as an individual.
I arrived at Birmingham at 3:30 so a full hour and half before the event. I headed to the Hippodrome and down to Thorpe street to the stage door, but there wasn’t anyone there so I headed back to the front doors to wait to see if any of the members of BarrowmanOnline I’d spoken to via email would show up. So I stood there until just before 4:30 - the usual ending of the matinee and had my torchwood shoulder bag squeed over by a couple of girls. (it was my Jack/Ianto one that says “The Captain & The Tea Boy” on it in case anyone was wondering.) Also watched a couple of gay guys arguing over something which was quite amusing considering the really camp one of the two was wearing killer heels and really couldn’t walk in them. Oh well. People watching can be fun.
Anyways I then decided to head back to the stage door and as I started to walk down I saw a guy who was there on Thursday and he’s come back to try and meet John as he’d tried unsuccessfully two days in a row to meet him. I then met up with Tina and her mum who I’d originally met in April at Borders who were also members of BarrowmanOnline. We chatted a bit with one another and also a couple of other fans although the others knew nothing about the afternoon tea, so were disappointed to learn that John wouldn’t be out again due to the private function. Me, Tina and her mum then went inside and were told by security to wait in the foyer and he’d come get us when it was time to sign in. It really was a big deal here. If you weren’t on the list you weren’t getting in. Simple as that. So in the foyer we watched the last number from the panto on the monitors and met some other members from BarrowmanOnline. Sorry guys I don’t remember your names, but it was nice to meet you anyways.
We were then called for check in and told to wait in another room until our room was ready in the IMI studios upstairs. As we were finally taken upstairs we could still see fans waiting outside for John and I must say it was rather surreal to be the other side of the glass doors. Tickets shown we went in to the room where all the tables etc were waiting. I sat with Tina and her mum, a lovely lady who worked for Selfridges and her friend/partner I’m not certain which plus a few others. We stayed by the door as the other members of BarrowmanOnline had taken the centre table by the stools where John would be doing his interview with Elliott Webb from BRMB radio station.
Each table had tea, coffee, sandwiches and a rather interesting assortment of vibrantly coloured cakes verging from lime green, orange and reds. Plus there was like these salmon swiss roll type things, really not sure what they were, but they were very pretty to look at. I must admit I didn’t have anything to eat as it wasn’t really my thing but that’s not because it wasn’t nice. Because believe me it was lovely. There was also champagne and orange juice on offer. I decided against them also, one because I don’t drink alcohol and I just really didn’t fancy the orange juice at the time. I did have a cup of tea during the evening though.
Anyways Elliott announced the reason for the event. To raise money for the Action fund and then introduced John, who came in right beside our table. He clocked me as he came in and smiled as he came past, making some comment on his way past another table that “I won’t steal your food” He looked rather impressed with the layout though.
He then joined Elliott who I might add was also gorgeous. So during the interview we weren’t supposed to take pics although some people still did including a professional woman who was there to take pics during the event.
John couldn’t turn his phone off so he gave it to someone to look after. Personal security I think. He told them to just hold it and to not look at the pictures. Trying not to laugh as he did so. Elliot said he was a brave man issuing that statement to someone and then entrusting them with his phone. He gave the phone over as he didn’t want it to ring, or for it to interfere with the microphone and make funny sounds during the interview. He revealed that on this phone he has a regular phone ringing tone but on his other phone he has the torchwood theme. The interview and question and answers from the audience lasted around about an hour.
With John revealing that he never wears make up on stage because he doesn’t like it and because when he sweats on stage it runs all down his costumes. He said that he has to wear make up on tv though because its about personalities where as stage work is about character.
That he will be a judge on the Oliver show, but he’s the only confirmed judge so far although he said he knew who the others are likely to be but he couldn’t say for sure. He did say when that was out but I can’t remember now.
That Aladdin has been the most popular and successful show in the history of the Hippodrome’s panto’s. That he’d been asked to do the next four years but couldn’t do four years due to scheduling. That they have asked him to do Robin Hood, but until he’s checked his schedule he can’t confirm that either. He has been in talks regarding Robin Hood but in john’s own words “Nothing is confirmed due to my schedule.”
Apparently green isn’t his colour but he said he’d like to do it if he’s available to do so.
He’s also hoping to get the greenlight for season 3 of torchwood but he was adamant that they hadn’t got it yet and they were still waiting to hear.
He talked about how he just gets on with it when something goes wrong on stage, like where his trousers split last Wednesday during the performance when he apparently went on to moon the audience. He was adamant that he had underwear on though. It was apparently during the “Never Had A Friend Like Me” number with Pete and a draft was what alerted him to the problem as they had ripped from front to back. He said that he and the boys felt the breeze.
He also discussed the upcoming tour saying that a lot of places had sold out but there were some venues still available. He couldn’t remember where he was going. Poor guy was so tired and he’d even said so when asked how he was doing when he first came out. Also that the tours would be akin to the cabaret acts he’s done in the past. So would last about 2 and a half hours I think he said, would have an album, show tunes, local talent and annectdotes parts plus an exciting announcement about his return to the west end in the future. He also said his schedule is booked up until 2010 im sure he said.
With audience questions he was asked “Where Home Was?” which he said was London with Scott and the dogs, but also Cardiff as they had just bought a house by the sea. He also revealed that he only got to spend one day with family over Christmas due to the schedule. That he’d flown his mum, dad and niece over to stay with him.
He said the hardest bit about panto was being away from his family and loved ones at Christmas but it’s a life he chose for himself and he doesn’t regret it.
When asked what he preferred “Theatre or Tv work” he answered that he wouldn’t say because which ever he said the other would then go away. That he’s an entertainer and entertaining people is what he does and he likes it all.
“Is he anything like Jack?” In away but Jack is a hero and he (John) isn’t. Although he’s become somewhat of one to many people due to his openness about his sexuality and also his involvement with various programs and organisations. He also said that there’s some things that Jack does that he’d never do.
“If you could cast anyone to kiss in Torchwood who would it be?” John laughed and then said he couldn’t honestly think of anyone off hand. Said he’d never thought about it, and something along the lines of he’ll kiss whom ever he’s needed to kiss so long as it was relevant to the story. Someone shouted out Scott to which John laughed and replied. “I get to kiss him all the time.”
He got quite animated when describing his action figure after being asked what it was like to be one and to see people with it.
Apparently its going to have the coat, removeable arms, the braces and be on the same scale as the Dr Who figures. And in response to what its like to see other people with them. He said frankly that its weird.
“What’s the best thing about Torchwood?” That its my own show.
Was asked why he collects Barbie’s or used to as he said he didn’t any more. Apparently its to help his niece and nephew through college etc. So they can sell them to raise funds.
“If you could go back to any time where would you go?” Back to when Midge was still alive and he said he’d have tried to intervene more with her parents. As she suffered from multiple personalities and died. He said he’d have hoped to have changed the outcome. Clearly this is still upsetting to John as he got quite emotional here. Plus he went on to add that sadly in real life you can’t go back in time and change things. That it only works on tv.
“If you had one wish from the genie what would it be?” I’d give it to someone who really needed it because I already have everything that I could possibly want, ie a loving family, partner and home.
There were probably more questions but I can’t remember them now. I’m surprised I recalled this many. All are paraphrased because until I hear the listen again , im going from memory.
John then went to sign autographs and pose for pics while Elliott prepared for the raffle.
I bought a second copy of John’s album as in my hast to get out on time I’d neglected to take anything to sign. On my way back to the table I ended up getting in Elliott’s way twice. Lol was almost like I was trying to dance with him, as they were playing John’s album in the background.
I then entered the raffle and sat down to wait to get the cd signed. I ended up hearing my name called during the raffle and Elliott said that I was a long way from home and welcome to Birmingham. I won dinner for two at Malmaison in Birmingham as I decided against the concert tickets as I didn’t think I could get better seats that second row center which I already have.
Then I went and joined the queue for John and when I finally got to the front I was so nervous although I did manage to ask him to make it out to Hazel. Which John spelled out to me to check he was writing it correctly.
“Hazel, love always, John Barrowman” which makes this cd so special for so many reasons. Plus it was quite surreal as it came to my turn “Your Song” was playing off the album. My own personal favourite song. Which was great. I then asked if he minded having a photo taken and he so of course so I went around the desk and leaned in close. And as per usual my camera acted up, resulting in John having to tell the lovely lady from the Hippodrome who had kindly offered to take the pic for me, to keep the button pressed down. The pic worked then.
John then says to me “Nice Bling” pointing to my chest to my mum’s pendent that I’d borrowed for the event. I said thanks and I’m not certain now if it was John or someone else but I’m sure it was John that said “Its from Titanic isn’t it?” and I said yes and the blurted out that it was my mum’s necklace. Which got an “Oh” reaction from John as if to say does she know you have it. I then thanked him several times and moved away to make my way back to the table for a drink. Lol I’m still so nervous around him it’s unbelievable. But god he’s worth it. When you’re with him you’re the most important person in the world. Irrelevant that there’s lots of people around and waiting, taking pics etc. You’re his main focus for those few minutes.
(the following pics were taken by Ani from BarrowmanOnline and are used with her kind permission)
I passed Elliott again on my way to the table. Also during the course of the night I met Annette from BarrowmanOnline. A very nice lady who sadly I didn’t get much of a chance to speak to due to me having to dash off for a train right after the event. Maybe next time wont be so rushed.
John stayed until almost 6:45 so 15 minutes more than he should have done before having to dash off for something to eat and to get ready for the evening performance.
So overall it was a great evening and one I won’t forget in a hurry. It was well worth the price tag and I feel honoured that I was invited. I hope that the proceeds do make a difference for those the charity supports.
*Edit* i just remembered this how the hell i managed to forget this i can't remember. But anyways before my turn in the line a girl hands John a t-shirt with his picture on it. John is surprised and says for me. The girl says yes its for him and well John then makes what can only be a classic John comment.
"Its a shirt with my face on it. I'll wear it when i go to bed,I can sleep with myself." God i just about died with the images that conjured up in my head and i'm sure he saw me because i was looking right at him when he said this. it was so funny and just the way he said it too was so inuendo ladened.