Fic: Trouble On The Plas 2/? Pg13 at present (Star Wars Crossover Fic) Ianto/Jack, Ianto/Others

Dec 06, 2007 23:17

Title: Trouble on the Plas 2/?
Rating: PG13 for language
Pairing: Ianto/Storm troopers, Jack/Ianto hinted
Summary: Something comes through the Rift and takes Ianto hostage.

Word count: 1,361

Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or any of the characters or objects associated with it. They remain the property of the BBC and Russell T. Davies respectively. Neither do I own any of the characters or objects associated with Star Wars. They remain the property of George Lucas. I am merely borrowing them. This never happened and will remain a pure figment of my imagination. I am making no money from this and it is written for purely entertainment purposes.

A/N: This fic was inspired by the wonderful picture taken by Lagilin. Gareth David-Lloyd and the Stormtroopers

No beta so all mistakes are my own, also feedback is love and I’d love to hear what people think and whether you would like to see this continued or not, because it you think its rubbish then there’d be no point in writing more would there?

Trouble On The Plas part 2

Ianto woke groggily and moaned as he felt the pounding in his head. He didn’t really remember a great deal of what had happened beyond the huge mechanical transporters that had broken through the Rift. Looking around in the darkness he could see very little at all and at first he thought he was in Jack’s quarters, until he tried to sit up and found his hands cuffed behind his back. Even Jack wouldn’t handcuff him without his prior agreement. Before he had a chance to sit up fully the door swung open revealing several of those armoured guards he’d seen on the Plas, confirming that he definitely wasn’t in Jack’s room.

“On your feet, the Emperor wishes to see you now.” The first Guard commanded as he strode into the room and waved the assault riffle in Ianto’s direction, letting him know that he had better do as he was told.


“Jack you had better look at this.” Toshiko called as she looked at the CCTV feed that was running through the computer beside her desk.

“What is it?” Jack asked as he made his way down the steps from his office, rubbing the back of his neck as he did so.

“It’s not good that’s what it is. We have a major situation out on the Plas and it looks as if the Rift has opened and all hell is breaking loose.” Toshiko said as she moved aside to let Jack examine the feed.

“Christ, that is not good. Where’s Ianto?” Jack asked while watching the huge transporters moving over the Plas.

“You sent him out for food remember. Jack he’s out there with those things.” She said as she heard footfalls behind her, knowing instantly that it was Gwen who had approached.

“What is it?” Gwen asked as she managed to lodge herself between Toshiko and Jack so she could look at the screen.

Before Jack had a chance to answer Ianto’s voice broke the silence through Jack’s wrist computer. “Jack we have a situation on the Plas, you had better get your asses out here before it gets out of hand. The Rift has been breached.” Ianto was shouting to be heard, that much Jack could tell from the heightened pitch of his young lover’s voice. “Jack do you read me? The Rift has breeched and we have several large armoured transport vehicles and what appear to be foot soldiers.”

“We need to get out there now.” Jack said as he saw the foot soldiers advancing on Ianto as he switched views on the CCTV feed to look at the water tower. Jack felt his heart beat increasing as he saw them advancing on his lover. “Jack, get your arse out here now I need backup!” Ianto yelled over the com link.

“What do we do Jack?” Gwen asked as she saw the soldiers surrounding Ianto and force him to his knees on the small screen.

“We get out there now and try and prevent anyone else from getting killed. So move it. Owen get your ass up here now!” Jack yelled as he ran towards the lift knowing that that was the only way up as it would give them the element of surprise over whomever it was that had breeched the Rift and had decided to start killing the citizens.


Ianto could feel the muzzle of a riffle in the small of his back as he was forced to walk ahead of the guards. He had no idea where he was but he knew that he wasn’t in Cardiff anymore, that much he was certain of as he walked along endless corridors. His footfalls echoing off the metal grating that was underfoot. The whole place was so sterile looking that he assumed he must be in some kind of institution although one, the likes of which he had never seen before.

Ianto was ushered forcefully into a large room, filled with people. His arms still cuffed behind his back as he was taken before a seated figure in a dark cloak, the hood obscuring his view of his captor.

“Kneel before the Emperor.” One of his guards commanded.

Before Ianto had a chance to comply with the order he felt a sharp blow to the back of his legs, forcing him onto the floor. He let out a cry of surprise as he was struck before he got to his knees once more. Looking defiantly into the face of the withered old man who sat before him. Ianto was still unsure why he was here and what exactly these strange people wanted with him. As he looked on, Ianto felt the sensation of someone trying to read his mind. He instantly put up the wall that he’d been taught to use when he had worked at Torchwood One. As every member of staff had to go through rigorous training in order to stop people from prying into their thoughts. Ianto had one the higher psychic levels of his section, although his skills had become somewhat lax since joining Torchwood Three. Because of which his resistance was not up to its usual standards.

“You have potential to become a great asset to the Imperial Senate.” The Emperor said as he probed Ianto’s mind further, seeing his betrayal of Jack and the rest of the team.

“Surely you haven’t just abducted me for my filing abilities.” Ianto quipped as he tried once more, albeit unsuccessfully to push the Emperor out of his mind.

“You have a quick tongue but you lack the experience required to know your place. But given time you will learn your true place.” The Emperor said as he changed tactics and Ianto began to choke, his hands struggle with the restraints as he tried desperately to get free.

Ianto felt his head begin to spin as his vision blurred, his thought changed from fear to Jack and how much he missed his lover. Ianto wasn’t afraid of dying not anymore, Torchwood had shown him things he had never even dreamed of and while he was with them he had also found the one person he was sure he would truly be happy with but now they were parted again.

The Emperor began to laugh as he let Ianto free, watching him fall breathlessly to the floor before him. He was certain that they had made the correct choice with this one. He was stronger than he looked and that would be a valuable asset to the Imperial guards.

“Captain, I trust you with his training and I wish to be kept informed of his progress as I am sure that you are the man for the job.” The Emperor said as he motioned the man from behind Ianto to step forward and make himself known to his newest recruit.

Ianto looked up with tear filled eyes as he breathed deeply as he tried to regain his regular breaths. His eyes followed the shiny black leather boots up the strong calves that came into view. Strong calves made way into slender hips encased in fawn coloured pants that were so tight Ianto could feel the blush rising on his cheeks as he could clearly see the outline of the other man’s semi erect cock. A Black leather belt crossed at an angle over the man’s hips before disappearing beneath a tight black jacket with rows of silver buttons running up the front. The jacket ended in a high collar which left very little of the taller man’s throat exposed. Ianto felt his heart clench as his vision cleared and he took in the oh so familiar figure that stood before him.

“Jack?” Ianto asked as he pushed himself up on his knees as he moved to try and lean against the strong legs of his lover.

The bright blue eyes regarded him closely and a smile played across the older man’s face as he reached out and cradled Ianto’s face in one gloved hand, the thumb caressing his cheek so tenderly it brought fresh tears to Ianto’s eyes.

“Jack…” Ianto whispered as his eyes lowered as he leaned into the familiar touch.


trouble on the plas, star wars crossover fic, ianto/jack, stormtroopers

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