Told you I'd do it again

Sep 28, 2008 20:46

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Put iTunes or equivalent media player on random.
3. For each song that plays, write something related to the theme you picked inspired by the song. You have only the time frame of the song: no planning beforehand: you start when it starts, and no lingering afterward; once the song is over, you stop writing. (No fair skipping songs either; you have to take what comes by chance!)
4. Do 5 of these, then post.

Yeah, I’m doing it again. It’s fun and this time I’m going to use the Discworld Vampires. Alas, no Lady Margolotta, as I haven’t read Fifth Elephant yet, woe. Otto gets two, mainly because if the song was longer, I’d have tried to get Mal in as well, but, alas. But Otto is still fun :D

Baba O’ Riley - The Who (It had her NAME in it, I couldn’t help it)

“Good morning, Sally!”

“Hmm?” asked Sally distractedly as she walked through Pseudopolis Yard, looking down. “Oh, Cheery, yeah, morning.”

“Don’t tell me you and Angua had another little ‘disagreement’,” Cheery even did the air quotes.

Sally considered the events of the night before. The events which involved a werewolf and a vampire yelling at each other very loudly when an unlicensed thief they were chasing ran off.

“….Maybe,” she sighed, walking past into the building.

She really thought she was getting somewhere. She did. Unfortunately, Angua’s temperament could switch on the turn of a dollar…or, more precisely, on the turn of the moon. Erratic mood swings and being around the very being you are supposed to hate was just shaking up a powder keg of blond fury. But Sally had a plan. She had a peace offering. She smiled, picking up the plastic ham. It went squuueeeak. Well, Angua would either see the funny side of it or try to smash her head in with it. Either way, it would be fun finding out.

Dear Mr President - P!nk

“Let me be gettink zis straight….you vant to do a story on Vetinari?”

William BEAMED.

“Yep! A big interview. Straight up! About all the troubles facing Ankh Morpork and what he’s planning to do about them all”

Otto considered this for a full minute.

“Villiam….” he said, taking this gently. “I do not fink zat he vill let you in ze… Palace.”

He paused. There was no flash of lightning or crash of thunder. He sighed, that must have been a one off, oh well.

“You’re trying to make lightning again, aren’t you?” asked William, folding his arms.

The vampire coughed, moving to work on his iconographs.


“Anyway, I thought you could take a picture and we can ask about the vampires moving into the city and how they’re still technically counted as second class citizens, despite the fact most have been on the wagon for ages and not touched a drop of blo….sorry, the B-Word.”

“I am sorry, Villiam, I have clearly given ze impezzion zat I am suicidal,” said Otto evenly.

William looked at the vampire who regularly reduced himself to a pile of dust because he ‘liked light’. If you could call an obsession ‘liked’.

“I wonder where I got that idea from.”

Hey Dude - Beatallica

Vlad looked out of the window of his room in Don’tgotnearthe Castle and sighed. When this didn’t garner any attention, he sighed again. Louder.

“Oh, Vlad, will you shut up!” snapped Lacrimosa. “You’re driving me insane, moping around.”

“I miss Agnes, she was fun,” said Vlad, glancing at his sister. “Okay, so she was immune to me and that ended up messing up our plans, but I still liked her. I don’t get any mortals around now.”

“That’s because Granpa says we can’t,” Lacrimosa GLARED at her make up. “I mean, everything was so cool, and now we have to act like…ugh…vampires. I mean, my room has cobwebs now, Vlad. Cobwebs. I hate them.”

“I miss being able to go out of the castle,” sighed Vlad. “It’s all well and good being ‘proper’ vampires, but all the fun has gone out of unlife now. No blood unless it’s every few years, no going into the village. No anything.”

“I say we escape,” hissed Lacrimosa, “Get somewhere where I can go to a party, and dress properly, and drink wine. Oh gods, I miss wine.”

“What was that, children?” Count Bela de Magpyr smiled as he walked into the room, his cape flowing behind him.

“….Nothing,” grumbled Vlad, picking at the windowsill.

“Lacrimosa?” Bela smiled at her.

“I want to leave!” she stamped her foot. “From this horrible, boring place that’s just useless and have some fun!”

Bela chuckled.

“Oh, dear Lacrimosa, you’ll have your fun, we’ll go into the village in three years and you can find yourself a tasty young man, how is that?”


“Do stop shouting, dear, it’s not very vampiric.”

“I will be in my ROOM!” snapped Lacrimosa, stomping out with all the fury of a very old teenager.

“Ahh, kids,” chuckled Bela happily, ruffling Vlad’s hair as he went past, They grow up so fast. See you later, Vladdy!”

Where the Heart is - Prefab Sprout

Otto Chriek was usually the first at work in the Times. Mostly because he usually just cashed in the basement, it suited his constitution. He wandered up to the top floor, still mostly empty and a world away from the bustling newspaper centre it would become once the employees started rolling in. He wandered past William’s office. Once again, he’d fallen asleep at his desk, mid-way through writing a story, his pen was poised and he was dribbling a little on the paper he’d been working on, something about Vimes and his general dislike of everyone in the City. The vampire rolled his eyes behind his sunglasses, Sacharissa would have a fit if she saw him like this again. He grabbed one of the pillows and propped it under William’s chin, before going back to his normal duties. Yup, this place was miles more home than Überwald would ever be.


Sticks and Stones - Tres

Maladicta lit up her cigarette, taking a drag before moving to sip on her coffee. She eyed Polly as she wandered up the hill and sat silently beside her.

“How’re the troops, Sage?”

“They’re getting fed up of the wet,” sighed Polly. “And the small rations we're on now really isn’t filling them up.”

The vampire shrugged.

“I’m sure we’ll find something soon,” she said. “Besides, they haven’t got it as bad as we did.”

Polly smiled wanly.

“Well, we were the last dregs of a war,” said Polly, frowning. “Though I guess it was better…I mean, now we’re a force to be reckoned with….it seems to encourage war more, doesn’t it?”

The corporal eyed her sergeant for a full minute.

“You really do think far too much into these things, Perks.”

“There’s my lads…”

“And ladies,” put in Maladicta.

“Yes, Mal, thank you,” Polly gave her a look. “Anyway, I’m going to look after them, no matter what war comes our way next.”

“Wow, Pol’, that’s touching. Got me right there, really,” said Maladicta, patting her chest.

Polly looked at her for a moment.

“Next time, you get to do the inspirational speech, then” she said. “Without going on about non-existent enemies.”

discworld, fic

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