Torchwood: Lost Souls

Sep 10, 2008 17:26

For those that want it, the download is HERE


First off. It almost made me cry. It's one of those. Right, I'm assuming this is set after the Torchwood finale, but before the Doctor Who finale, as Mickey is nowhere to be seen and Martha is still working for UNIT (who, let's face it, were pretty much crippled in the Who finalie and sure as hell wouldn't be bothering about anything other than rebuilding right now). All through this episode, there are references to 'the funeral' more precisely, Owen and Tosh's. This is the episode we've been waiting for people, where we finally see the team Trying to Deal. It's heartbreaking.

An Ianto-centric episode at last! It's about bloody time. Ianto was on top-form here, I love him more and more. Ianto Jones would be the best ambassador of Wales: EVER. They should make him it. Make him it NOW. God, I hope there'll be an icon for it. Gwen is Ianto's wife and Jack is their assistant. Jack clearly is not happy with this. At all. It's most amusing. Also, Ambassador!Ianto sounds less Welsh than Regular!Ianto. Figure that one out.

When you can't find a sonic screwdriver, use a rock.

More top-form Ianto. 'My bike has a bell' *ding ding*. I think I found someone to fill the hole Owen left behind.

Oh god, Ianto being haunted buy the not!ghosts. NG!Owen calling him 'Teaboy' very almost made me break down. And NG!Tosh, and NG!Lisa! Poor Ianto. 'I want to be with them.' Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Gwen, for once, managed to tickle me, dragging Ianto out of the tunnel: 'That's where Jack is. And coffee. You love coffee. Coffee and Jack.' This is how you give an Ianto-pep-talk.

This episode is seriously made of win, and it was really refreshing having to imagine everything in my head. I could see Ianto's boyish smile when he dinged his little bike bell, I could see Jack's smug bastard grin when he went on about that space flight. I could see Martha smashing the hell out of a door with a freaking ROCK. Who needs a sonic screwdriver when you have a rock? The Doctor could learn something. The dealing with the deaths is what got me the most, though. I don't know about anyone else, but I've needed to see the team going through the grieving process. We didn't get to see it in DW, apart from a throwaway line, this more than made up for that. Also, the fact they had a joint funeral really seals that 'brought them together in death' thing. *Whimper*

I still know sod all about physics and what the hell this thing does. I doubt I ever will.
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