See icon, just see icon

Aug 22, 2009 16:29

SO. I let Wybie's sponsored account run out, so I could get him a paid one with a crapton of extra userpics. It ran out yesterday but now? Now I can't change it to a paid. It still thinks it's sponsored, even though it very clearly is NOT. When I'm logged in, the main LJ page is in freakin' Russian, which I can't read. When I click on his account, I get that stupid "Frank's been nibbling the wires" message that just pissed me off. THERE IS NO GOAT, YOU TITS. IT IS YOUR SERVERS. THE GOAT IS IN YOUR HEADS.

So, has anyone else switched from a sponsored account back down to a plus and had this problem? Because right now I can't do a whole lot with his account, and it's starting to get on my nerves.

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