another day

Mar 21, 2005 14:44

just thought id update a little before having to deal with my huge ass load of homework

so my weekend ended up sucking just as much as i had thought, ended up stayin up till like 12 saturday workin on stupid math project and sunday was no better. i finally gave up on it all at about 10 but of course i desperately wanted to be able to at least enjoy some of my weekend so i watched tv till like ten and was completely exhausted this morning and could barely get out of bed.

i did however get to have a great conversation with my cousin online and another somebody.

and i can't forget that like my best friend is over in Ireland competing for worlds. its amazing...hes amazing. and he gets to miss the whole week of school then come back and have spring break to chill with me ;). lol. (yess i am NOT going anywhere :( first time since i can remember and its very sad but thats what i get for having my amazing cruise trip over x-mas break, gosh i wish i was gettin out of here!) anyway best of luck to him! i know he will kick butt and do great! can't wait to hear from him! <333 u!

so thats about it, today was alright i was actually in a pretty good mood, i mean there are those things that will never stop bugging me but other then that not too bad im just not looking forward to this evening. :(

alright well gotta go.

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