dood you dont know how bad i want to come and visit in germany but its just not in my cards right now. i have to pay back all my debts and start getting serious with school not to mention i need to buy like 1000 bucks worth of tattoo equipment. but as soon as money frees up kristin and i will be there :). the shipping military mail is about 9 bucks. you can send a check if you want or if you have paypal my email is thanks for helping me out man. P.S. bina we got your card <3 much love matt
help me out with just hookin me up with
Mike Tyson, Mario 2 and 3, Ninja Gaiden, Battle Toads, Ninja Turtles, and Metroid. Give me a price.
PLEASE . i pulled out my nintendo the other day and all i have is mario, balloon fight, cave man games, and some other bullshit.
thanks man seriously thats the shit.
yeah you know the address. i can mail you a check now, or well, as soon as you find out the shipping cost. cool?
come to germany. play poker with me
and tell tim Hi cuz hes the only one i cant seem to ever get a hold of.
and tell the the Mrs. hello of course.
thanks for helping me out man. P.S. bina we got your card <3 much love
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