Nov 21, 2003 22:00
... im feelin a bit that way after all i have wasted one year after i completed school last year. I hope to god i get into uni next year.. anything in brisbane would be acceptable ANYTHING! It's so HOT.. i saw 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' or how ever you spell it tonight at the movies.. it was pretty scary - cant wait to see 'School of Rock' though.. ben promised to take me :D YAY! OMFG!!!!! I was browsing Mosh Pit Music (the only quality store to sell good music on the sunshine coast) 2 days ago and what did i stumble across? Tanya you will understand my excitment.. BON FUCKING JOVI - KEEP THE FAITH!!! I was seriously like "OMIGOD" holding it up to show ben - andy in there was pissing himself laughing at me.. oh yeh i bought it!! only $13!!!! I was stoked.. i dont think you all under stand how good this is!? I played this tape so much when i was a child that it stopped playing... can you imagine me having this now on cd! I will treasure it till the day i die. SHE'S SMART, SHE'S SEXY, SHE'S CLEO.................HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH PFFFFFFFFT shit slogan! meh. I went to the beach with louise today and i was nearly late for worky. Work 's ok.. im now the very fasionable Door Greeter HAHAHHAHA I LOVE IT!!! Stand there all day checking bags.. bustin the crims.. its rad! Paid $11.80 to stand there and look beautiful hahahha hehehhe (yep two lots of laughter.. first i laughed then second i giggled) oh well benjamin is at the movies with his brother... its casey's bday on sunday.. i still have NO present for her : S I just dont know what to get... She is picking me up from work then we are catching the train down to the goldy.. for the first night of schoolies.. i think thats why im a bit depressed.. i misss that whole week - it was SO MUCH fun. Oh well we are staying at bens that night and then he is coming to stay for a couple of days at my place coz i have to work everyday.. heaps of money though so thats great! OH YEH!!! I bought the best work shoes! They are pointy witch flat shoes with circles cut out of them.. so cool $90 but i got them for $65 :D!!!! SO HAPPY I LOVE THEM! Oh well i suppose i should really get to bed or something or maybe just sit on the net and waste time some more hehe... OK night night.. or is it?????? xoxo