Name: Nila
Age: 22
Location: Australia
How do you feel about:
religion: I deeply honour the essence of all religion, which is nothing but pure unmotivated love. But unfortunatley and ironically, in every religion this seems to become covered over in time by motivated greedy individuals who just want to exploit others and promote themselves as the best. In other words, I don't like religion when it becomes an organisation, but I respect the ideals of every religion, and beleive that they can be followed without 'belonging' to any particular religious strciture. So I beleive in God, yes.
politics: When religion becomes an organised structure, all you are left with is politics in the guise of godliness. So I cant say much for politics, it ruins everything. I agree with certain tactics though such as diplomacy as long as the motive is for the good of the whole.
drugs: It depends on the degree to which they alter your mind. I dont take drugs myself, unless you consider coffee a drug. But I have not the least bit of judgementality towards those that do take drugs .. unless they were taking them in such a way which was actually harming themselves. Then out of concern I would encourage them to stop.
alcohol: I have no problem with alcohol either. I enjoy liquers and vodka. However, I have problems respecting people who drink and drink for the same of it so they can tell there friends on monday morning, "Me 'n Erin got so pissed Fridee night 'n then we went to Jakes 'n got more pissed and then we.." You get the picture.
music: Music opens doorways to otherwise innaccessible regions of the mind. It can convey the most complex human experiences which words are at a loss to express.
yourself: I'm quite up myself. But at the same time .. I have a deep respect for people. I love everyone but I just wish that people could understand my greatness. If only they knew, then ... then everyone would love me too.
What are two things that aggravate you the most and why?
Its difficult to aggravate me .. but I'd have to say.. those Gold Coast (area of Australia teaming with try hard bimbos) bleach haired, fake tanned, eyebrowless bimbos who have nothing to talk about except how they got pissed and fucked so and so Mr dickhead on the weekend. And .. people who try to be cool but dont truly understand the import of the word, and thus completely over do it in a retaded effort to be accepted. I guess theyre called try-hards too.
What makes you think that you are worthy of this community? Because I look like Nicole Kidman (You'd have to see me in real life to get the picture.) And I'm intelligent. How do I prove that .. um .. I have a degree ..? And .. I may be blonde but its not bleached ..?
favorite movie? Amadeus - Mozart is a fucking genius. And the way the movie conveyed this was sheer genius in itself.
book? Jaiva Dharma by Bhaktivinode Thakur .. it answers every question you could ever have about the nature of this world and the soul etc, in the context of a very beautiful, deeply moving novel.
artist or band? I like Placebo (His voice rocks)and .... Frida Kahlo. And that was years before the movie came out. I love the colors and the way she depicts beauty in pain.
No need to read this friends. I am just bored to death.