Jan 16, 2017 00:00
I have never kept an online journal, but one of my resolutions for this new year is to be more mindful, and I think that journaling may help with that goal.
To start off my New Year I would like to focus on uniting mind, body and spirit. To see if I can work on growing each of these areas in my life. One of my main goals is to cultivate more awareness in what I do each day. For the past few months I have noticed myself passing through each day on fast-forward and feeling that from rise to sleep, almost all of my actions are guided by whatever occupies my attention in the moment. These constant distractions whether they be meetings, social commitments, being attached to my phone, or just being addicted to stuff and acquisition of said stuff, has made me realize that less seems to give me more ease and peace of mind. Having so many things around the house an so many decisions to make every day actually leads to more stress. Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus address this concept a lot in their documentary "Minimalism."
I would like to start off the New Year with a minimalist approach and take a close look at what adds value to my life. If I could work on knowing when to say no, I think I would be more present in mind, body and spirit. For this year, I hope to meditate, and prepare healthier foods and meals. I hope to spend less money. I would like to let go of the things that I don't need in my life, whether physical objects or emotional baggage, and cherish the things that do add meaning. A few resolutions I have put forward in no particular order are as follows:
- Meditate and be more mindful/aware
- Become a better listener
- Build on meaningful relationships and let go of toxic ones
- Minimize and organize
- Spend less money
- Eat a healthy plant-based diet
- Stay politically active in my community
- Read books that are worth reading
- Stay physically active
- Continue to travel
That's all for now.