Friends only

Dec 31, 2030 15:35

CLOSED. RELOCATED AT panicandpromise

My journal is semi-private, friends-only. Most of my entries will be friends only.  Some will be public.  I mostly post about real life, but I do have my fangirl-y moments and I do rave about my favorite actresses/actors/musicians.  I do a lot of memes. I try to leave comments but it doesn't always happen.  But I always try to reply to the comments that I've received.  After reading this, if  you want to be my friend, go ahead and leave a comment letting me know something that we have in common. Don't worry, I don't bite. =D If you are already on my flist, you don't have to do anything. =) I'm not deleting anyone at the moment.

If you have any questions about my likes, dislikes, ect. leave them in this post

If you have any questions for me about Friends, Sex, Music, Drugs, Love, or Livejournal, leave them in this post


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