
May 23, 2009 08:02

  • im all alone now. :-( goddamn i hate being the last one to leave.
  • I know I've done this already. This will be the last time, I promise. Please fill these out if you haven't. <3
  • heres the other link. fill this one out too. <333
  • trying to block my sadness of everyone leaving by keeping busy. just cleaned the im gonna watch an episode of qaf...
  • then do dishes
  • by the time im done with dishes, maybe ill be sleepy enough to go to bed. if not, more packing. :- /
  • well what do you know. brian actually has a heart.
  • tie with red shirt (same shades even!) = not a good fashion idea.
  • i like justin's mom a lot. ngl.
  • yay. caught up on dl'd episodes of qaf. now...time for dishes. at 245 am. this is what happens when I don't have classes. : |
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