I didn't renew my paid LJ account, and now I want to do a poll. Curses! ("Curses" is a funny way to curse, isn't it? Like instead of talking, we just said, "Words!")
Anyway, I thought it would be nice to have something to look forward to when I finish work. A bit of fun. Something to while away the time as I stare into the inevitable abyss of ageing and loss. The two things that I thought I might be interested in are both on the same day. One is learning how to make my own feta cheese; the other is learning to use my new camera.
So I am using this as an opportunity to test a survey-making website called Typeform that Jenny/NA has been investigating for work purposes. If you'd like to run my life for a day:
Click here! (If you do click there, how was it? Should I recommend it to Jenny/NA?)
After that, a meme from
emma2403 1. What are five good health habits for one to have?
Don't get your head stuck in the pool ladder.
Don't put beads up your nose.
Don't put beads up your nose again.
Don't push a stick around with your belly button.
Don't run into latched gates with your teeth.
2. Name any four things that you want to do before you die?
Learn to swim butterfly stroke properly.
Ride around town looking fetching on my scooter.
Buy a scooter.
Finish a cryptic crossword.
3. Name three songs to which you know all the lyrics?
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Total Eclipse of the Heart
Doe, A Deer
4. What were you doing two hours ago?
I was on the phone with my work's Finance Manager, talking about doing payroll.
5. If you could smash and break one thing and one thing only, what would it be?
A piñata?