Sep 18, 2006 21:10
Hello world
Isn't it fitting that I only post when I'm at the library trying to do chemistry? Actually, I have a huge crush on my chemistry professor. She is originally from Jordan and received her Phd. from Miami several years ago. She just moved back to the country to teach but unfortunately could only land a position at the Hamilton campus. She is much better than the professors in Oxford and I hope she gets a job here soon. She lives in Centerville!! small world.
Kristen is good. We're both very busy with school and Bodega and we don't get many opportunities to spend time with each other outside of doing homework. We're happy together, but no road is entirely paved and I'm frustrated with her consistent worrying about what will happen when she has to leave to go to grad-school in California or . . . England. Damn that country. It's not for the boy though and I'm confident in that knowledge.
Arrested Development ate my soul. I think about it/watch it too often for my own good. God I love it. You have to watch the episodes dozens of times to see how everything fits together, which sucks; because I simply don't have that time.
My parents are doing well. I think my father is a bit irritated with my mom's heavy involvement with spirituality. She spends too much time at the Dharma Center and the Ayurvedic clinic and it's mainly all she talks about. I love those things, but it was too much to be around the one day I spent in Centerville, poor guy puts up with it 24/7. He came down to visit. It was really rewarding to take him around town, out to go hiking and then for a drink at a bar. He has a great impression of me right now, I just need to maintain the grades to really seal the deal for both of us. My brother moved to Kentucky to attend school at UK. I don't know how he is doing and I worry that it isn't very well. He isn't cut out for college. In fact, none of us know what he's cut out for. He's a closed person with a lot going on upstairs . . . and not the good kind of a lot. I called him once or twice, but he hasn't returned my calls.
I don't seem to have the time to maintain close relations with multiple groups of friends. It was my hopes to bring several groups together, but I have trouble seeing just one group on a consistent basis. Kartik came down to see me and that meant more than he'll ever know. Unfortunately, Kristen and I were having some problems that I needed to deal with and I had obligations to be with John and Justin who I eventually stranded him with. I hope he will forgive me. On the topic of John, he simply cannot understand that our lifestyles do not match. It's as simple as needing to clean up my living room when I've finished entertaining. He doesn't get that I don't enjoy going to big parties or uptown to crowded bars or drinking several drinks or smoking several bowls in a row. It's just not what I do. I'm a health professional; I enjoy being healthy and alert. I try to keep in contact with him, but he only seems to want to party at night, not catch up over coffee or a hike. I think he'll get it someday. He's a friend I don't think will just walk away like Roberts.
I see the dietetics girls in class and I've spent some time with Megan, but they're another group that has been sidelined for the Bodega/Oxford crew. I've made a friend out of Krista. She's the girl I did last-minute chemistry studying with spring semester. She's not the brightest girl in some respects and I'm not the brightest in others, so it works. She has a boyfriend in London that she webcams with all the time. Isn't that ironic?
I miss seeing Caitlin too and I want to tell her that I'm a positive person!!!! It's something I have worked very hard toward. Also, I've become very sensitive about how I act around people and what I say. I realize that I was a very needy person and I often talked too much about myself. This was all a result of my tendencies to over-analyze things and I know now that is no way to live. You create your own reality and I have created a wonderful one for myself in which I am happy in all that I do. Well, save cleaning the bathroom at Bodega. ; )
This has been the meditation I've desperately needed. I don't like looking at my life for fear of losing the moment I am living in, but my head has been somewhat cloudy and needed a little cleaning. I don't get upset that I am behind in my work, but perhaps that isn't a bad thing. It's been a tough jump into this semester and I've needed to work these things out, even if it does mean I'll spend a weekend without sleep frantically trying to complete my work. In fact, I kinda miss those nights. No worries though, with a semester's worth of work due on the 29th I will become reaquainted with the all-nighters I became so familiar with last semester.
I'm half an hour late in my start. I'm going to begin the evening. Tell me something though. If you had three wishes, what would they be?
Mine are:
Impeccable Handwriting
Perfect Immunity, and
To always have some form of love in my life