Aug 15, 2009 20:37
Lady Austin and I went down to St Marks with Castor Hound last night where we dined outside at the barbecue place there. I had never been, but I found it a wonderful restaurant with a nice atmosphere and good food. There was a steady breeze that cooled off the evening nicely and the setting sun made a great display. Castor was on his very best behavior and the cover band over at the Riverside Cafe was actually doing a great job. Then we drove over to Mashes Sands. The moon was not yet up and it was quite dark. Clouds covered most of the sky in all directions except for right over head where the Milky Way was quite visible. The strong onshore wind caused more wave action than I have ever seen at that beach. I let Castor run around a bit, but then I called him back and put him back on leash because it was so dark and the noise of the wind and surf made me worry about keeping him in hand. But then we sat and enjoyed the wonderful weather, seeing a few shooting stars in the window of open sky. Lightning continually played and flashed in the near distance from all around. It was simply beautiful.