Oct 12, 2017 18:11
Boy, I haven't posted in a long time. Well, updates to be had.
I had help from friends that enabled me to pay September's and October's rent, phone (land line and add time to my cell phone), and cable/internet. But don't have money for November. At least right now. A social worker was here and said he'd help get my Social Security going.
Buddy had kitty kibble and treats right now, so my ankles are safe.
As to my health, well... I don't have refills of my prescriptions at the moment. On Oct. 4th I had my monthly coumadin (aka warafin) clinic. So I stopped off at the general medical clinic to request refills. I had run out of my beta blocker (heart) and was going to run out of digoxin and metformin this past weekend. My maintain inhaler was going to run out this week and on top of that, I had a letter from United Healthcare that they would no longer approve Dulera. The does have two alternates. And I run out of Simvastin this Friday. My appointment with the medical clinic isn't until the 20th, so that means two to three weeks without my meds.
Before, they had said all I needed to do if I ran out of refills was to go to the clinic and ask for them. So I did have my coumadin clinic. Took no time, the lady at the desk took my list and said it should be called into my pharmacy in 24 to 48 hours. So by Friday. Can you guess it wasn't? Also, they had to short my warafin refill by 9 pills so I had to go back anyway and went yesterday. The only thing I got was the rest of my warafin. None of the others.
Well, tomorrow is my blood draw. which is suppose to show my levels. Now will be so screwed up. Yes, I'll be going back the medical clinic to complain. And if I don't get my meds this time, I will raise holy hell next Friday.
real life,