Alright, so that I don't make a thorough dick of myself:

Sep 17, 2011 14:15

before I complain once more about Ms Skeeter's lamentable editing, does anyone know if she actually does have a problem?  I really don't want to go about picking on her for something that's actually not her fault.  Have had long conversations with Hermione about learning disorders and all that, and am trying not to be insensitive.  Can anyone answer this question for me?

Because really, rouge werewolf?  Gah.

On another note: While I thank Ms Skeeter for her kind words, my potions are good, but not excellent.   I'm sure people could find better help than I.  On the other hand, if anyone ever needs any help with anything even tangentially Defense related, you all know where to find me.  I am, in fact, always willing to lend aid.

((OOC: Also, at this point, I feel moved to apologize for Harry's harping on typos. Only, I cannot seem to stop him.  When he gets an idea into his head, he can be absolutely intractable.  It's one of the reasons I was worried about playing him in a public forum.  Normally, he's not a grammar hound at all, but his brain just fixates on some things, and won't let go.  Embarrassed player is embarrassed.))
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