Apr 29, 2005 19:21
Finally, this semester from hell is over. Unfortunately, we've heard through the grapevine that this next summer semester is just as bad if not worse. But we're not going to think about that now. We're just going to enjoy being done with homework for now. Of course, nothing is entirely over until graduation; we have research to work on all the way to the end. Like, I can either wait a week to work on it here at home, or I can use my incarceration as an invalid for a week to get some work done here, without being distracted by all that pesky socialization. Uh. Right.
We went bowling for a fun (if somewhat tame) end-of-semester celebration yesterday. I surprised myself by actually scoring over 100 on one game, but lived up to my reputation by getting like, one pin per frame on the next game. I came back alright, but the whole thing still made me miss Monday night dollar bowling at Plaza lanes with the crew. No matter how much I sucked (as I most certainly did) we had a lot of fun. Oh, memories.
After bowling I stayed up rather too late (well, I had help); so late, in fact, that I think it seriously messed me up for today. We were up almost until my normal school-day wake up time, and then tried to sleep after that, which my body did not take to very well. Besides being so sleepy on the drive home today that I had to stop, take a nap, and buy a coffee, I've felt kinda nauseous all day. This morning I couldn't even force food down, but after not really eating anything today until dinner, I managed alright. It's okay though, the rest of the night made up for today's misery.
So now, after an always fun dentist appointment, I'm sitting in the livingroom typing on my dad's work laptop with the wireless connection (I'm still not used to this keyboard!), listening to music that doesn't suck (which is much better without the pauses courtesy of iPod), and just chillin. I am, after all, on vacation.
Oh, and I finally saw Napoleon Dynamite, after having it quoted at me for two months. Love.