Jul 04, 2011 14:47
- Sun, 14:13: @ MarlNou Just for you, i will forget you ever told me xxx
- Sun, 15:01: ttfn twitterverse, off to play with my little babies x
- Sun, 18:23: Such a child, hijacking a kids pool! http://t.co/H4Z2Gbw
- Sun, 18:44: @ JustLikeGill ur puppy is so cute I just want to cuddle it!
- Sun, 19:11: @ JustLikeGill this is my doggie http://t.co/7VLuZEz
- Sun, 21:44: @ MarlNou MarlNou it just means that mine could come back worse and would mean my little girl would be very likely to get it. Sucks hey!
- Sun, 22:04: @ MarlNou @ Gill85Foster me and my kiddies x http://t.co/ljSBlD3
- Sun, 22:12: @ Gill85Foster @ MarlNou @ Special_K_5 right off to bed, night all :)
- Mon, 09:06: Hello. Everyone :)
- Mon, 10:35: Photo: › [ #I could add so many tags to this…but I will be an adult] [ #I do admit to pausing in that scene... http://tumblr.com/xhn3bh46yc