So...I went to the mall yesterday and spent way too much money of books... Good times. I bought four manga, (Vassalord 3, and volume 1, 2, and 3 of Yami no Matsuei.) two novels, and one book for Gayle. Techinally three novels though because one of them has two books inside it. That would be Wicked and Son of a Witch! :) Then I bought the ninth Sookie Stackhouse novel. Finally, I saw this book called The Snark Handbook and thought of Gayle right away. So, since she is driving me home every night I'm going to give her that as part of my thank you gift to her, becaus she'll probably like it a lot, considering her personality. XD She's awesome ♥
So... Actually, Caitlin let me borrow a book by John Green called An Abundance of Katherines, and it's really good so far. It is her prerequisite to me reading Will Grayson Will Grayson, since I've already read books by David Levithan, who wrote that book with John Green. :) So, I'm now reading Sherlock, Kathrines, Eroica 11, and Geektastic. Just counting the ones that I can actually hold. I have a life, I swear I do!
And now I'm ignoring my other projects and moving on to a silly comic idea that I got in my head about gay knights and such. ...Yeah, it totally had nothing to do with Merlin or anything... Anyway, the basic story is this: A knight goes to rescue a beautiful princess even though there is a terrible dragon gaurding her. But he gets there and the dragon is Sipping tea and is all "Yeah, it's just up the stairs." And...he finds the princess, and it's a boy... "Well, this changes everything." says the knight. "Not really." says the priness. So then they get married. The end. Terribly original, I know... OTL
Fffff. Anyway...Caitlin's on her way here now and I've not eaten anything but two cookies and some OJ and coffee. So...yeah.
MK is a monster
P.S. Nick is awesome. He says so. :) (Little Nick)
P.P.S. I'm adding things to the list of stuff that I might add to my Portfolio, but I hate some of them. XD
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