Pheew, yesterday was such a full day! As I said, I went into the city with my family, Mom, Dad, Juliet, Nick, Charlie, Mason, Aunt Desiree, Grandma, Julia, and Steffani. We drove into queens and parked in the same neighborhood that I did for the FIT classes and then got on the subway. We got off and dropped my dad off at work before briefly walking around cetral park where I heard a guy singing this:
Click to view
Yeah...I heard it and I was trying for like, 5 minutes to figure it out, but then it came to me. The only problem with that is that it is kind of a...strange song for him to be singing. I mean, unless he really likes Axis Powers Hetalia. I dunno.
After that we went to see some other places, visited the World Trade Center and saw the memorials, and then wound up in China Town. By then my feet were killing me, and my shoes were rubbing against my ankles. Ugh. After some shopping (I didn't get to go into any of the stores I wanteded to go into) we went to a resturant called Wo Hop, which is set up as a family style place. By then we had met up with Jose, Uncle Ed, Brianna, and Jenna, so we were a big group! I sat with Brianna, Jenna, Steffani, Nick, Julia, Charlie, and Juliet. We ordered a couple of dishes and ate, it was nice. Julia and I also visited the creepy bathroom together.
After that we split up with Jose, Uncle Ed, Brianna, and Jenna, and went back to pick up dad. We were in a semi-rush to the subway then so that our day passes didn't expire by the time we got there! That would have been funny, but would have sucked. Got home at 1, and to sleep by 3.
Today I woke up at 12:12, and lay in bed until 1:2-. I also got Phoenix Wright today! So I finnished the fisrt two casses already, and I love the game! It's a bit scary sometimes though! I'm like "Holy crap, I don't know of any more evidence! DX It turned out fine though! I was even ahead of the game once! Aha! I loved yelling "OBJECTION!" into the microphone! Seriously guys, play it. Also, Miles/Nick. Done.
Okay, enough chatter!
MK ate waffles at the diner with her dad and sister for dinner!
P.S. I want to chomp on something.
P.P.S. I really love Zero Suit Samus, and I wish you could use her like you can with Zelda/sheik. Darn!