Nov 18, 2010 17:43
Your best friend is: Switzerland (Who wouldn't want a friend with lots of guns and great chocolate?)
You have a crush on: S. Korea (Well...)
You hate: Estonia (That jerk keeps hacking my Tumblr!)
You get bullied by: Belarus (Who isn't?)
You're scared of: Norway (Well, he is a bit creepy.)
The person who has a crush on you is: Egypt (Isn't he going out with Canada?)
The person who hates you is: Monaco (;A;)
You're scared of: Seychelles (/Shrug/)
You get a confession from: Japan (Must be the boobs...)
But you go out with: Italy (Pastaaaa!)
And you break this person’s heart: Iceland (Aww, sorry.)
You have a one night stand with: Liechtenstein (I did get a 3 on the Kinsey scale after all.)
Which leads to a fist fight with: France (Suck it up France, you got other pants to invade anyway. C:)
Chances of winning: 89% (Did you mean "French military defeats"?)
Everyone graduates but: Poland (*Insert Polish stereotype joke*)
You marry: Latvia (<3)
This person starts arguing with you: Egypt (He did have a crush on me, so it makes sense.)
You're helped out of the argument by: Hong Kong (Why?)
And then you have an affair with: France (Hmm...)
You get caught by: Hungary (She's probably relieved that I'm not Austria. Or maybe disappointed. Either way really.)
The chances of them telling: 13% (Of course. Fujoshis have to stick together! So we can share our manga)
Your spouse finds out, they feel: Depressed (Sorry bby.)
You get divorced, you move in with: Bulgaria (Why?)
Chances of a one night stand: 80% (Nom nom nom.)
You then move in with: England (Yaaaaaaay!)
Who: Burns the house down (Nooooo!) (This made me laugh so hard. XD)
You start having feelings for: Norway (His pin is just too much to resist.)
You get another confession from: Estonia (Huh?)
You say no, they go out with: Cuba (Hairy legs and Ice cream, yum.)
You get ambushed by: Sweden (Su-san! <3 <3 <3)
And glomped by: England (Tsundere!)
You’re drunk, and kiss: Italy (It tasted like pasta.)
How much they liked it: 20% (And stale beer. We.)
You suddenly have a huge war against: Australia (:I)
Chances of you winning: 32% (:I)
You later remarry: Australia (What? XD)
How happy you two are: 79%
Death by: Becoming one with Russia, da? (;A; ;A; ;A;)
The only person not to go to your funeral is: Australia (Wth Australia?)
The mastermind behind your death is: Egypt (Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Wait, what?)
The person who is most devastated that you died: China (Nini, no!)
The person happiest that you died is: Taiwan (Wow, what a jerk.)
The person who goes to your funeral for food is: Taiwan (What the heck? Taiwan is a nasty person.)
The person who gets all your stuff is: Sealand (...Maybe Hungary should get my books though.)
Who you'll haunt from beyond the grave: Poland (So I can help him study?)
The End