Life is hectic

May 26, 2007 19:52

Rick is still here, though he's leaving on Monday for sure (otherwise Maria, our apartment manager, will probably go nuts). He's probably going to spend the rest of his vacation up north or something I think. Currently he's having fun at the Star Wars convention. He had fun at Disneyland, and Andy even went on the 'scary' rides with him so he wouldn't have to go alone, since I unfortunatly can't go on them. Ah well. I'll be able to in a few months, after Arianna is born.
Work has been crazy. I called in yesterday so that I could get stuff done, like go in and get my note with restrictions from my Dr. And go to Wal Mart. Though I still have to go again, because I forgot 2 of the 3 major things I needed to get...
I may be starting my Maternity leave even sooner than I thought. Depends on how things go and how Linda (one of the main managers) decides to do things. But if things go the way she's saying, this week or next may be my last for working. Not that I wouldn't mind the free time, but its the money that I'm worried about. I'll get disability, which is a heck of a lot better than nothing, but still not as much. And with babies, every little bit counts.
Mom's coming over Monday. Ben wants to go to DL, along with 6 other friends...So we're going to get them in so he can have his last fling before he graduates (which is really surprising considering his grades). Mom and Christine and Kimberly will have fun Downtown, and Andy and I may join them. We might go to the Strawberry Festival too, since it'll be the last day.
Thursday was our last Lamaze class. We got a little certificate for it, which I'm putting in Arianna's scrapbook. I liked the class, cause we learned a lot of stuff, and not just the breathing stuff everyone makes fun of. I really liked the teacher, and I really hope that she's our nurse when I go into labour.
Andy's actually going to ComiCon with Tyler and I. He wasn't going to, because its in the middle of summer (major busy time for DL), and he didn't want to be in all those crowds. But then he was kinda flipping out about my going when I'll be 8 months pregnant. So when I registered, he did also, because they had a refund option if you canceled by June 5. I figured he'd just end up getting the refund, because there's no way they're giving him 5 days off at that time. But yesterday he decided that he's deffinitly going, and he'll call in sick if he has to. He's scared that I'll over-do the fun and everything, and I'll go into pre-term labour and yadda yadda yadda. No matter how many times I've told him I wont, and I'll be fine, and we're going to try and maybe see other sights in San Diego too, not just the con. So he wants to go and make sure I don't over-do it and stuff. Crazy husband.
I was looking forward to just going with Tyler, though, because he's more of a Browncoat than Andy, and into the Con more. Plus, it'll be the last major thing we get to do before I move probably. It'll still be fun at the con with Andy along too, but it'll be different. Tyler's thinking he'll be the third wheel now, though that's far from true. Actually, if there's a third wheel, it'll be Andy, and he's the one who says it too! Tyler and I will be being major geeky Browncoats, while Andy sits back and makes sure I don't over exurt myself and have the baby at the Con. He'll be sleeping or reading while we watch as many Buffy episodes as we can in the hotel, and hopefully Firefly too.

And now looking at the time, I have to find something to eat real quick, because I have to go to bed soon. I don't mind early morning shifts much, but at the same time I hate being so tired for them.
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