Well, I ended up going out to lunch at the mall and stopping in the comic book store for the latest Smallville comic. There is an interesting interview with John Glover and he talks a lot about Lionel and Lex's relationship.
The interview was done while they were filming episode 6, but John mentions just having received and read the script for ``Shattered.''
Q: Michael has described Lex in these pages as a ``misguided hero.'' Do you perceive Lionel in a similar vein or is he simply as evil as everyone thinks he is?
JG: I don't consider him evil at all. (then he goes on to talk about a Pete Ross scene.) Lionel just admits that he's a businessman and he's ruthless about it and that's all he's trying to teach Lex.
And later,
Q: Have you used real-life experiences with your own father to help you in your scenes with Lex? By that, we're not suggesting that your father was teaching you to be evil or anything.
JG: I lost my father a year ago and he does come to mind all the time. But I'm not teaching Lex to be evil. Hopefully, the tests are so difficult for him that storywise, I'm creating a neurotic, psychotic mess. [laughs]
So, it sounds like Glover is playing the scenes as if Lionel loves Lex, which I thought was interesting.
He also warns viewers not to accept things at face value and part of me was thinking maybe this plan to have Lex look crazy was to protect him from Morgan Edge. Of course, now that Morgan's dead, that blows that theory out of the water. But there's got to be something more to Lionel's method here. I just haven't figured out what.
Earlier tonight, we went out to eat at a Chinese restaurant and when I opened my fortune, it said, ``You will be well spoken of by someone you look up to.'' And my first thought was: Lee! Hee!
I'm 76 percent along in nano. Whee!
Oh, and look what
alyt made for me! It's too big to upload to LJ but I wanted to share it because it's soooooooo pretty!
The idea for the caption came from an entry
luciamad made on her LJ about ``Shattered.'' She wrote of that final CLex scene: ``Clark is Lex's religion and that religion just failed him.''