
May 20, 2021 19:30

O2 to Giffgaff. Having been with O2 since the day that the original iPhone was released, my annoyance with them has built to such a level that I thought I’d give Giffgaff a go instead. I know they come from the same place, but their website exudes honesty whereas O2’s just feels a bit weaselly.

Ubuntu to Alpine. At work most of our team’s Docker containers are running Ubuntu-based images, but as our projects grow and as we think about permanently-remote work on variable quality internet, it becomes obvious that bandwidth will be more important in builds and deployments. Alpine images are oh so much smaller. Our Ruby images seem to migrate reasonably, whereas some Python libraries have been a right pain. In general, some things are just tricky to build on Alpine. But I think it is worth it.

Phusion Passenger to… Puma? I’ve been running internal Rails-based apps on Passenger for many years, but what once felt friendly and self-configuring on physical servers now feels clunky and painful in Docker. So I think it is time to go for a simpler serving tech.

Oh, and our local chip shop Dino’s has started doing mushy peas again. Why would mushy peas be a casualty of the lockdown? Maybe we’ll never know. But they are back now, so I had chips and peas for tea.
This entry was originally posted at https://tobyaw.dreamwidth.org/555840.html.
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