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seiya's logic is really nothing like our earth logic :| herculeansenshi January 29 2009, 22:04:17 UTC
[ for all intents and purposes the outing had gone very well - so Marron hadn't sang to her, nor danced, but some people aren't interested in that sort of thing and - at least nobody had cake thrown at them this time, right? Makoto is at her desk, reading through the feed from the network on her communication device and absently-mindedly snacking on some cookies, when Seiya knocks. She half-turns to face the door. ]

Oh, come in!


Well, who says Earth logic isn't made of major phail? toburnperfectly January 29 2009, 22:11:13 UTC
[ Seiya steps inside with the biggest smile he can muster plastered to his face. Surprise attack it will be. He's a great actor, if nothing else... if not a great fr-

He closes the door after himself, turning to face Makoto. ]

Yo. Already talking to Marron-san again, huh?

[ He nods at the communicator. Here goes eloquent wink wink. ]


that's what Seiya would like to think, I'm sure herculeansenshi January 29 2009, 22:21:39 UTC
[ very subtle, Seiya. Mako blinks at him in confusion for half a second before gleaning his meaning and offering a wide, almost-somewhat-sheepish smile. ]

Ah, no, it's not like that! I mean, tonight was fun, but -

[ it doesn't take long for her to realise he's probably just teasing. It's funny, she thinks; Minako's arrival had reminded her of those early days when they'd all (even Ami-chan!) fangirled the Three Stars, and this now - living in the same house as Seiya, treating him as a fellow person and soldier, even a friend, rather than an idol...

Another grin. ]

But what about Seiya-san and Kara-chan?


of course~ and because Seiya thinks it, it's true, right? toburnperfectly January 29 2009, 22:28:15 UTC
[ Seiya has kind of hoped for that kind of reaction. A reaction where her awkwardness can be pushed in just the right direction. That way it's easier... doing what he has to do.

He cocks his head and sends a flirtatious smirk Makoto's way. Somewhere in the back of his mind he remembers telling Setsuna how cold the Outer Senshi are. He can't help wondering if this is much different at all. But of course it is. He's not like them. Not in any way.

His eyes narrow a bit. ]

Kara-chan's really cute. Just the kind of girl guys really like, yeah?


just like how because Seiya thinks Usagi wants him - OH WAIT, SHE DOESN'T. SNAP. herculeansenshi January 29 2009, 22:40:10 UTC
[ that's an undeniable fact; Kara's prettiness and vivacity aside, she seems able to respond to Seiya's attitude without being confused or flustered - surely a feat in and of itself. Mako's response is friendly but a little curious as she wonders where Seiya is going with this. ]

Mm, she's really nice! You seemed to be having lots of fun tonight.


NOW THAT'S JUST CRUEL ;_; toburnperfectly January 29 2009, 23:02:00 UTC
[ Stretching lazily and sitting down on Makoto's bed, Seiya watches the girl out the corner of his eye. He shrugs, almost carelessly as he says: ]

Tch, of course. That's what happens when a cute girl and a cool guy hang out together.

[ Seiya makes a tch-ing sound again, letting himself drop to his back on the bed and staring up at the ceiling - looking for all in the world as if he's simply wondering out loud. ]

Though I wonder why Marron-san looked so bored, yeah?


RIGHT, BECAUSE SEIYA'S SO KIND T_T herculeansenshi January 29 2009, 23:17:42 UTC
[ she's halfway through a cookie and contemplating offering Seiya one when the idol speaks. The sentiment can't possibly mean what she thinks it means, and yet...

Makoto puts the jar down on the table softly, a small frown of uncertainty crossing her features, cookie still held loosely in her hand. ]

Do you - do you think he was bored?

[ he hadn't seemed as lively as - well, say, as Seiya is - but he hadn't seemed bored, either. But then, Seiya has known Marron for a lot longer than Mako, and so from his words she wonders if she missed a cue somewhere. ]


WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? HE'S A RAY OF SUNSHINE, REALLY. toburnperfectly January 29 2009, 23:31:18 UTC
[ Have a pretentiously surprised look. Seiya's an actor and he knows what he's doing. Almost. He hopes he does, because if he doesn't, Odango... would never ever forgive him. He folds his hands between his head and snorts. ]

He didn't dance with you, right? Or bought you drinks or anything?

[ His smile becomes almost cruel, except if you look really closely, you'll see the uncomfortable glint in his eyes. But his voice is almost dull. No show of sympathy. ]

Na na na, Mako-chan, a guy who isn't bored would do stuff like that, you know.


herculeansenshi January 29 2009, 23:38:02 UTC
[ Mako doesn't look too closely, or she might have seen that hint of discomfort; as it is, she's a little too busy reflecting on her own uncertainty to notice Seiya's. She trusts her instincts, mostly, and hadn't noticed Marron-san being bored of her as much as he simply isn't the type to dance or drink, but if Seiya has noticed something...

Her protest is closer to a question than a rationalisation as she wonders if she interpreted wrong after all. She doesn't suspect, yet. ]

Maybe he isn't the type who likes to dance or drink. I mean, everyone has different preferences.


forgive him ;_; toburnperfectly January 29 2009, 23:47:54 UTC
[ Sitting up, Seiya shrugs - looking very much as if Makoto's rather precise explanations have no effect on his thoughts. And they don't, really. He'll do this. He needs to this. For the both of them.

Odango would understand. He's... sure of it. Makoto will understand too... in due time. ]

Mako-chan, don't make excuses like that. Everybody knows that if a girl has got a guy's interest, he'll do all those things for her.

[ Luftwaffe is go. Secret weapon, oh yes. Seiya straightens up, meeting Makoto's eyes squarely. His voice is very, very sweet. As if he doesn't quite realise what he's saying. ]

Maybe you're not the kind of girl who inspires guys that much, yeah?


never. suffer the sadness, Seiya. 1/2 herculeansenshi January 30 2009, 11:33:14 UTC
[ upon Seiya's first words, she shakes her head and half her sentence is formed in protest before Seiya stops speaking ]

It's not an excuse at all! I was -


2/2 herculeansenshi January 30 2009, 11:36:16 UTC
[ and as Seiya finishes his sentence there's suddenly a stab of worry; Seiya's words are not far from what's been said by more than enough men - the sempai who broke her heart, for a start - and though she hardly dwells on it, the insecurity is still raw. Remembering that Seiya had asked her to go out with Marron in the first place to show Marron a good time, the very tiny undercurrent of awkwardness that lingers from their date is suddenly magnified tenfold and for a moment Makoto is thoughtfully silent. ]


toburnperfectly January 30 2009, 13:32:12 UTC
[ Folding his arms behind his head, Seiya closes his eyes. This is going in the exact direction that he'd meant for it to. Taking a deep breath, he breaks the silence. ]

Aa aa, maybe you weren't the right kind of person to hook Marron-san up with if I didn't want him to end up lonely and weird. I mean...

[ He gives her a half-amused look out the corner of her eye. In his chest, the feeling of his heart beating seems very loud and very hard. ]

If you're not like Haruka-san, I guess you'll be the one who gets lonely and weird at some point, yeah?


herculeansenshi January 30 2009, 13:51:41 UTC
[ coming from Seiya, the opinion - or at least the way he phrases it, though Mako supposes he's never exactly been subtle - is harsh and unexpected. They are not as close as the Inner Senshi are with each other, or even as they are with their older counterparts, but their shared experiences in both their own world and this one surely counts for something; Makoto thinks they're friends, at least.

And friends don't say things like this to each other - or at least, they don't unless they really mean it, or think it needs to be said.

It's hard to be angry - she's far too accustomed to Seiya's approach by now to take offense at his tone, and his words worry her more than they anger her. ]

I didn't realise that's what you think of me.

[ her voice is quiet and a little sad. She looks up, eyes worried. ]

You don't think - I mean, did -

[ a small pause, then, genuinely concerned and showing it, ]

Did Marron-san say something?


toburnperfectly January 30 2009, 14:13:48 UTC
[ One hand in the air and Seiya waves at Makoto dismissively. He's not going to flat out lie by saying that Marron-san did say something, but... tweaking the truth a little doesn't count as lying, right? Not when it's for the greater good.

And everything Seiya does is always about the greater good. ]

Pfft, no. He didn't have to. Wasn't it obvious?

[ Hand back in place behind his neck, Seiya shifts his feet a little, adding: ]

I guess if you were a real boy and didn't just look like one, some gay guy would maybe like you, you know...

[ Shifting his head and looking her up and down, Seiya manages to adopt an expression that clearly says he's actually considering the idea very seriously. ]


herculeansenshi January 30 2009, 14:28:52 UTC
[ it's the exact same sentiment that's been expressed before - only harsher, in those terms. Having someone she considers a friend say something like this is a little overwhelming, and it's very difficult not to think back over every moment of the night. Long past are those days in which she'd let a cute guy tell her how to see herself, but it doesn't mean that same nagging insecurity has gone away - and so it doesn't help that Seiya is dragging it up again.

In the flood of confusion and some guilt over the possibility that she's somehow ruined Marron's night, she doesn't quite realise what Seiya is doing. Instead, she wonders why he says it - and why in those particular terms - and if he's somehow angry that the double date didn't turn out the way he thought it would. ]

Why are you saying these things?

[ the question is not accusatory. ]


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