For the most recent
hp100 challenge. A warm-up. :D
Title: Climbing
Author: tobrecan
Words: 100
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Everything HP = JKR's.
Challenge: Map of the World
Cross-posted to
He'd been climbing for a long time now. He'd lost his left shoe a long way back. He hadn't noticed. He had just followed the worn path up, up, up, ever upwards, the countryside rolling far below him in gentle swelling hills.
He did not see it. He walked on. He bled and limped and was bruised black and blue; his body was wasted and sickly with lack of food and drink.
On trudged Wormtail, ignoring the mist as it rolled over the mountain and surrounded him like a clammy diaphanous blanket.
He stumbled on, aching for his Master.