Title: The Knight in the Well Contributor: Rubichan Medium: fanfic Fairytale Prompt: The Ballad of Tamlin Rating: PG Pairing: Arthur/Merlin, hinted Gwen/Morgana Warning: slash Wordcount: 7220
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Very nice! I must admit that I do not know the source myth, but I like how you incorporated the Merlin and Arthur from canon into something that’s them, but not them, but definitely still them, if that makes any sense at all. *g*
Thanks much! It makes sense, haha. The Ballad of Tamlin is an old Scottish ballad-- it should be on Wikipedia somewhere. Though I changed the named of Carterhaugh to be more Welsh, dur hur.
Ah I feel as though I've only ever read versions of Tamlin and not the original itself. I loved this and your blend of the story with the characters. Their kisses were wonderfully done and the mystery of Arthur really drew me in.
I've read various versions of Tam Lin and I very much enjoyed this one. You built their relationship up beautifully - mysterious Arthur, protective Hunith and Merlin, drawn irresistibly to his destiny.
I love how the mystery of who/what Arthur is builds up in the first part of the story, and how you show his and Merlin's love for each other developing. The shape shifting was positively frightening! Yay for the happy ending :)
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