Mar 26, 2004 00:40
The world is a crazy, crazy place, after tonight there is nothing I am more sure of than uncertainty itself. Poor Melissa...and even more poor, little Sue. It is an interesting prediciment the girl has found herself in. One hypothetically I would say that I wouldn't mind being in...unless of course I had to deal with it. I'm thinking of hitch hiking to Biddeford just to give her a hug because honestly, I've seen that girl cry, and it maybe the saddest thing EVER...I don't even like to think about it. bah...
Any what can I do?? Any words of wisdom? I help not being able to help my friends. I don't have too many, I'd like to keep the ones I do have at a reasonable level of stability.
I've reached the time of year once again when I have to face my arch's not who you may think it is...CHANGE. I hate it, you know it, and this year it is striking me particularly hard. I will now give to you all the same assignment I gave to Christopher.
Things to find for Erica:
#1 A major. Preferablly before Monday, it's almost time to register for classes. I'm not too picky, I have a lot of experience with Dr. Pat...and please NO NURSING.
#2 A roomate or 2 or 3. Granted I don't NEED a roommate, but this closet sized room is for the birds. I like having people at my finger tips to talk to and bounce ideas off. I like that I can be silly if I want to and not be in my room alone. I like when I'm having a bad day or a good day I can share it with people (though Kate has proven to be quite good at handling me in all of the above circumstances.)Anyway...roommates wanted, inquire within!
#3 A man. Now don't jump all over me about this one. I know I don't have to have one for any reason. But I think it would be nice. I gave Sue my address incase anymore happen to come her way...she can forward them along. Anyway, It would just be nice, and even though Duncan did declare to me tonight that he was wearing clean socks...I just can't do it (I wish I could insert a little face here just incase he happens to read this) annnnyyywaaayy, things never seem to work out the way I want them to. I don't know, time to sign out of this because I am busy being a wingnut...I don't know what put me in such a weird mood tonight but here it goes....