So one of the books I'm reading at the moment (I ... need to read more then one book at a time, just the way she goes) is The Butane Special: A Weird West Tale by Mke Resnick. The back tells me it features amongst other things, a steampunk western setting, zombies, Thomas Edison, Doc Holiday, The Earps, and The Thing That Was Once Johnny Ringo. So far - I'm about 50 pages in and it's amusing me.
And as for the concert -- almost packed, almost ready to go. RAIN is happening however, and has caused me to re-think some clothing choices. Here's hoping the sun breaks out and we get a Beautiful Day. Sorry. Couldn't resist. Be glad I didn't talk about going Where The Streets Have No Name, because I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For because of all this damned Vertigo, that I get at this Elevation.
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