I realize not every horror movie can be Scream nor would I want every horror movie to be like that, with the characters being aware of the 'rules' of horror movies. Still, part of me, always finds myself going; 'you go into the cellar by yourself, in a house that's reported to be haunted, despite the fact that your friends have gone down there, and not come back up, and you get what you deserve.
Or, you know, if you see a giant clown in the sewer, and you talk to it, and than stick your hand down the sewer grate, well Georgie. I'm sorry. But I think you got what was coming to you. Doesn't get much stranger than a clown in the sewer. Particularly in the movie version, hello creepy clown! Than again, had Georgie lived, he likely would have given birth, to those people that run up the stairs, to get away from the villains.
Okay, done being a snot now. Am annoyed and irritable today, and taking out my frustrations with the world by being snotty.
I'm becoming very aware of what is apparently a sub genre of Zombie films, the army zombie films. So far I've seen three, that umm one, whose name I can't remember, Zombie Lake, and now Homecoming (needed less political satire, more braaaaiiinns, thank you very much).
Ruins update: read a bit last night, and some more this morning. So far nothing supernaturally scary has happened, but there is a sense of the creepy. Going to read more on my break at work.