For one week, recommend / share:
→ Day 1: a song→ Day 2: a picture
→ Day 3: a book/ebook/fanfic
→ Day 4: a site
→ Day 5: a youtube clip
→ Day 6: a quote
→ Day 7: whatever tickles your fancy
So this is day two. So here we go:
That's Jeffrey Katzenberg, James Cameron, and Steven Spielberg. I tried to find a picture of Lucas, Cameron and Spielberg, but no dice. So you get this one instead, two of the three dudes who played a giant role in shaping how I viewed my childhood (Aliens? As long as they are ET they are friendly! Robert Patrick? SCARIEST MAN ALIVE. Sarah Connor and Princess Leia? Women I wanted to grow up to be ...). Than I got older and you know there were some ups and downs in my relationship with these guys. I can't cope with Titanic but I like the documentary made about it. I got my hopes up each time a new Star Wars film came out and than spent the movies sighing. And than there was A.I.
But you know what. Doesn't matter. Aliens is in my top five movies, I will never not think the boulder scene in Raiders is amazing, as is the whole opening of the first Indiana Jones movie, and I can't go swimming with out hearing the theme from Jaws.